⭐ You Were A Mistake | Stephen Strange

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Tears blurred your vision as his wounding words started to pierce through your fragile heart. Your head was pounding and you felt as if your world was turning upside down because of him.

"I'm sorry, Y/N."

"Don't be."

It came out as a whisper, but the sadness in your voice did not go unnoticed by Stephen Strange. You forced a smile and wiped your tears away.

Stephen winced slightly at the sight of you. He used to be the one who wipe your tears away, but now he was the cause of your agonizing tears. He hated to admit it, but it broke his heart.

"I knew this would happen."

You said, chewing on your bottom lip to contain your voice from breaking. Stephen let out a wistful sigh but from the look in his eyes, you knew he had no regret for breaking your heart.

"Christine is my---"

"She's the love of your life. I know."

You cut him off, not allowing him to repeat what he just said himself when he was breaking up with you.

"And I'm just a rebound. The one who found you when you were in despair. The one who fixed you when you were wretched. The one who loved you dearly, and surprisingly, I still do."

You said, rage and disappointment were laced in your voice. Stephen frowned at your words. He knew it was hard for you but he could not let you live in lies anymore.

"I keep on making mistakes in my life. And you're my biggest mistake, Strange."

You spat, tears streaming down your face. Stephen started to felt a pang of guilt hit him hard, but when he tried to coax you, you backed away from him.

Your perfect paradise was tearing at the seams and you could not fix it. Stephen brought colour upon your life but now he painted it black and you did not see any escape from this dark tunnel.

"Meeting you was a mistake."

You said, glaring daggers at the Sorcerer Supreme. Stephen's heart clenched at those words and he knew he had hurt you way too far. He was sorry to do this to you, but he would not want to change anything from the past--- including meeting you.

It was the best thing that ever happened to him.

It was raining that night and you were walking home. Luckily, you had an umbrella to shelter you from the rain or else you would be doom.

"I just want to sleep.."

You mumbled under your breath before noticing a man standing in the rain. You frowned and shook your head in disbelief. The rain was starting to get heavy and as much as you wanted to get home quickly, you could not leave that man in the rain.

Ever the selfless, you walked towards that man and realised that he was completely drenched in the rain. What he was thinking to stand in the rain like that?

"I'm sorry, sir. It's raining! You could get sick!"

He was very tall, and you were having a hard time to put the umbrella over his head and your head but you did it anyway. The man did not notice you, not until he did not feel any raindrops on him. When your umbrella sheltered him, he finally looked at you.

"Are you okay?"

You asked, seeing the glum look on his face. If it was not raining, you could see tears stained his cheeks. He nodded weakly, and somehow, that night you managed to mend that man's broken heart by showing your kindness.

"Thank you, Miss.."

"I'm Y/N. And you?"

You gave him a smile. Your heart was beating rapidly against your chest as his eyes met yours.

"I'm Doctor Stephen Strange."

Oh, how you wished you did not help him. When he was dejected because Christine left him, you came as a light in his life. You brought hope and dreams with you, showing him the meaning of life.

You knew this would happen.

You were not a sorcerer. You were not a doctor either. But you realised that he still loved Christine. Now when he decided to leave you for her, to be honest, you were not flabbergasted. Unfortunately, it still shatter your heart.

"I wish.. I wish I do not hurt you but---"

"Stop wishing for the impossible, Stephen."

You blinked away your tears and smiled sadly at the Sorcerer Supreme. You were a person who always believed in magical wishes, there was nothing impossible but right now, not anymore.

"Trust me, Y/N. I do not want to hurt you but I cannot lie to you either. I love her. If I stay, I only gonna hurt you more."

You looked him in the eyes and you chuckled bitterly. Those enchanting pair of orbs, you used to drown in them. Those eyes used to hold so much adoration and love for you, but not anymore now that she came back for him.

"I never ask you to stay."

You said, a sad smile was painted on your face. You planted a soft kiss on his cheek, and you felt him shivered under your touch.


"Goodbye, Stephen."

Those words rolled out of your tongue and you both knew it was the closure for your relationship. Stephen realised that he let you go, and you were not fighting to stay.

Stephen sat on the couch in his empty living room, his eyes lingered on the spot where you just stood and cried. He looked around and noticed that you were really gone. But then something of you caught his eyes and tore his heart.

His eyes landed on an umbrella that was so familiar to him--- Your umbrella. The umbrella from that night.

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