⭐ All These Years | Tony Stark

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"Mommy, I want to go home."

Starla pleaded, her eyes were looking into yours. You looked back at your six-year-old daughter and sighed.

"But Starla, we just got here and your daddy miss you!"

You looked up at Tony, who was standing behind your daughter. He bit his lips and turned Starla around to look at him. She refused at first, but finally she gave in.

"I miss you, Starla. Don't you miss me?"

He smiled sweetly at her, hoping that his beloved daughter will smile back at him but she didn't. She started to cry.

"No, I want mommy!"

She wrapped her arms around you and you patted her back softly to calm her down. Tony looked at his daughter with tears in his eyes. Starla didn't miss him, she didn't love her own father.

"I'm so sorry, Tony."

You apologized. This had happened a few times now. Everytime you wanted to bring your daughter to meet your ex husband, Tony, she started to throw a tantrum.

"It's fine, Y/N. I'm the one who should be sorry."

He tried to sound calm but his voice cracked slightly. His heart was breaking, knowing that his daughter will never thought him as a father after what he had done.

"Starla, please. At least give your daddy a hug before we leave?"

You gave her a smile. She looked at Tony and shook her head violently. She pointed behind you and you saw that your husband was there.


Starla ran to James, your husband and hugged his legs. James chuckled and lifted her up in his arms. Tony watched as his daughter called another man 'daddy' but not him. He never thought he would felt this sad but it did break him.

James looked at you and you asked him to wait outside with Starla first. You had to talk to Tony.

"She— She really loves James. I guess he is a good father?"

Tony started, unable to contain the sadness in his voice. You nodded weakly, wasn't sure if it was the answer that he wanted.

"I'm sorry, Tony with Starla's attitude. She should respects and loves you as her father."

You apologized again. Maybe you both had separated since five years ago, and you didn't love Tony anymore— but you weren't that cruel to separate a father with his daughter.

"It's fine, Y/N. It was my fault."

He breathed out.

"It was my fault that I lost you. It was my fault that I lost Starla."

Tony looked you in the eyes and you saw a heartbroken man was looking at you. He was not Tony Stark that you were married and divorced with. He was different.

"I was the one who cheated on you on our wedding anniversary. I was the one who left you when Starla was just a baby. I was the one who makes my own daughter hates me..."

At this point, a tear escaped his eye but he quickly wiped it away. He straightened his back and took a deep breathe. A sad smile was painted on his face.

"I wasn't there for you, for her. And now I'm not gonna blame her for not loving me. I know James is a better father and a better husband than me."

Tony chuckled bitterly. Your heart ache at his words. Yes, he was not a good husband and father. But he deserved to be loved as well.

"Her name is Starla Stark. One day she'll realize that her beauty, her intelligence, her kindness and a half of her came from you. She doesn't hate you, Tony. She is just a child, she needs time."

You spoke softly. Tony almost cried at the sound of your voice comforting him. How stupid was he for taking you for granted before? After all these years, you didn't change a bit. You were still that kind-hearted woman that he fell in love with.

"She'll grows to love you. You are her father, Tony. No matter what happens."

You wrapped your arms around the billionaire and he cried. You didn't judge him. He was alone and hurt. Tony felt his walls crumbles as he started to cry.

"Thank you, Y/N."

You smiled at him warmly and nodded. He eyed you as you left with your husband and your daughter.

He wished he could be the one who was leaving with you and your daughter.


hey  i'm not dead yet. sorry for not updating.

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