⭐ Stress and Rest | Peter Parker

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You were stucked in your room, books and papers were scattered on your study table, also on the floor. You were studying for almost three hours now, only taking a break for a few minutes.

You were a bright student, but not gifted. Thus, you had to work hard to maintain your reputation, and also for the sake of your scholarship. You did not want to lose it.

Your phone buzzed for a few times, but you ignored it. Your focus was on your books, and that was until someone threw something on your window.

You gritted your teeth and rolled your eyes. It must be those naughty kids, and you wanted to just ignore them. Unfortunately, you could not as the noises were bugging you.

In a full throttle, you walked towards the window with anger in your eyes. Those kids were going to get some piece of your mind.

"What do you want--- Oh, it's you. Peter!"

A big smile was painted on your face as you saw your boyfriend who was waving at you.

"I texted you a few times but you didn't read them. So I just decided to come instead."

He explained, smiling softly at you. You mentally facepalmed as you realised you were ignoring your boyfriend's texts.

"I'm sorry, Peter! I was studying."

You apologised, feeling bad about yourself. Peter just shrugged and offered you a grin, and you wanted nothing more than to kiss him.

"Well, can I come in?"

He chuckled, and you just realised that you did not invite him in. You nodded violently and went down the stairs to open the door for him.

As soon as he was inside your home, you hugged him tightly, inhaling his scent that you loved so much. Peter kissed your forehead before moving to your lips, smiling during the kiss.

"I love you, princess."

"I love you too."

You said, blushing furiously when he gazed at you. You dragged him into your room, and he laughed when he saw that it was an absolute mess.

"You're studying really hard, aren't you?"

"I don't want to fail. That's my motivation."

You responded, laughing with him. He smirked and shook his head.

"You should have some rest, you know."

He started, and you knew that was his intention.

"You're here just to make sure that I get some sleep?"

You guessed, sitting next to him on your bed. Peter kissed the crown of your head and nodded.

"Not just some sleep but I want you to get enough sleep, alright?"

He was practically tucking you in bed, and getting under the covers with you. You tried to protest but he quickly shut you up with a kiss.

"I need to study."

"You need to rest, princess."

"I don't want to fail."

"You will not fail."

"Are you sure?"

You asked, and he laughed. He loved how adorable you could be sometimes. He wrapped his arms around your small figure, engulfing you in his arms.

"I'm sure, Y/N. Now, get some sleep."

You were forcing yourself to stay awake before he came, but now when you were so comfortable in his arms, you just fell asleep. Peter smiled lovingly, kissing your head and lingered there for awhile.

"What will I do without you?"

He whispered, appreciating the way you were curled up in his arms. He could not express in words how much he adored you. Everything about you was important to him.

Peter watched as you sleep for a few minutes before he fell asleep as well. He made it his mission everyday to make sure that you had enough rest because you could be so careless about taking care of yourself sometimes.

As long as he was there, you would be alright. He would always take care of you.


you know what?

i think i'm having a boyfriend fever.

do you know how it feels? it feels like i'm very single and i need a boyfriend so bad.

urgh i hate this feeling but do you ever experience it before? please let me know 😂

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