⭐ Moon and Stars | Steve Rogers

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Requested by @SharlotteMayfair
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Based on prompts:
23. "You're my moon and my stars." 
73. "She's way too young to be this hurt."


"He cheated on me, Steve. He's such an asshole."

You cried out. Steve stiffened a bit, he looked at Natasha who was flabbergasted as well. You weren't that kind of person who likes to use those foul words. But now everything was put aside and you were beyond angry, and sad.

"You deserve better, Y/N. Trust me."

Natasha tried to comfort you but she wasn't sure how. When you walked into the tower, you were a crying mess and all of your friends tried to help.

The Avengers turned into a whole support group with tissues and comforting words. But your heart was broken, and you were burning in anger. No one could send you into a calm state.

So you there you were. You were crying in your bed, cursing your ex boyfriend with Steve by your side. Natasha stood at the doorstep, wasn't sure if you were alright. The other had left, they knew you need some time to heal.

"Maybe I was a bad girlfriend. Maybe I wasn't good enough---"

"Do not blame yourself, Y/N."

Natasha scolded you. You stopped talking and looked down. She sighed and a smirk grew on her face. Steve raised his eyebrows and somehow he knew Natasha was up for something that wasn't good.

"I'm going to find that asshole and teach him a lesson."

She said before leaving your room. You were thinking about stopping her but then you shook that thought away. You didn't care about that guy anymore.

"Do you want me to stop Nat?"

Steve asked. You looked at him and shook your head. A frown took over his face but his gaze softened at you when tears started to fall freely from your eyes again.

"Let him be. He deserves it."

You mumbled and threw yourself into the Super Soldier's arms. He wrapped his strong arms around you and hushed you. He let you cried into his chest and he patted your back softly.

Steve always cared about you. Sometimes he cared too much about you that he forgot you were just a friend.

"I hate him.."

You muttered and Steve realised that you fell asleep in his arms. Careful not to wake you, he laid you down in your bed. He smiled sadly at your sleeping form. You must be exhausted from all of those screaming and crying because of that asshole, like you would say.

"She's asleep?"

Steve looked up and noticed Tony was leaning against the doorframe. The billionaire was gazing at you, sympathy filled his brown orbs.

"Yeah. She must be tired."

Steve answered, he returned his gaze on you. Tony crossed his arms against his chest and sighed. He wanted to find the guy who broke your heart and break him, but he knew that was wrong.

"She's way too young to be this hurt."

Steve said with regret. You weren't supposed to go through this. You were too precious to be in a pain like this. Tony nodded, agreeing with the Super Soldier.

"She needs all of us. She needs you."

Tony emphasized the word 'you', just to make Steve looked at him with question on his mind. Tony shrugged and started to leave.

"You're very good at comforting her among us all. So, it's your job."

Steve looked back at you and a warm feeling engulfed his lonely heart. You nuzzled your face in your pillow and smiled sleepily.

Your smile brought a smile upon Steve's face. He knew you were having a hard time in life, but he hoped you were getting a sweet dream. At least you had something sweet today because when you wake up, you were going to realise that you were sad.

On the next day, everything went by like usual. You tried to be fine and acted like everything was alright. But they knew you weren't fine.

Your smile didn't reach your eyes and your laughs wasn't as genuine as before. You were still dejected, you couldn't help it. But it helped you a bit when Natasha told you that he had punched your ex boyfriend on the face for you. You thanked her and you felt better right away.

Steve was there for you. He ate breakfast and lunch with you. For dinner, the team ate pizzas together while watcing movies. It was comforting, and you loved it.

Most of the time, you would be with Steve. He would send a glance towards you everytime he walked pass the lab and saw you working. You watched him in the training room, laughing once in a while whenever Natasha got to punch him in the face.

Steve started to feel something towards you. He cared about you, yes, but this was something new to him. It wasn't just because he cared. It was something else.

Two weeks after the break up, you returned to your old self. Your friends were more than happy to see you like this again.

"This book is very interesting. I mean, the feelings are... Real."

Steve smiled as he saw sparkles in your beautiful eyes when you talked about books. Today he found you reading in your room, and you offered him to sit beside you on the bed and you told him about the book that you were reading.

"You really love books, aren't you?"

You grinned at his question.

"I do. But I also love yo---"

You put a hand on your mouth and your eyes widen in shock. Did you almost tell him that you loved him?


Steve caught what you were trying to say but he wouldn't push you any further. A small smile cracked on his lips.

"I'm fond of you, Steve."

You whispered softly. Steve nodded and knew it was too early for you to start a new relationship after your last one was shattered in pieces.

"You mean so much to me, Y/N."

He whispered sweetly into your ears. You sighed in contentment and rested your head on his shoulder. He wrapped an arm around your waist and chuckled softly when he noticed that you dozed off.

He pulled you closer towards you and you nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck. He kissed your head lovingly and smiled.

"You're my moon and my stars." 

Steve whispered softly, not to wake you up. His eyelids felt heavy and he didn't realise when did he fell asleep as well.

Thor and Clint were going to check on you but they saw you and Steve were sleeping. Ignoring a grin on Thor's face, Clint dragged him away from there before the God of Thunder could make any noise and wake you up. Clint muttered when he met the others:

"They're so cute."

I'm sorry if this isn't what you wanted. I tried my best to write it.

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