⭐ I Will Be There | Tony Stark

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Please listen to I Will Be There by Odessa.
This is optional. I listened to it while I was writing this.


Tony felt his heart shattered into pieces when you cried. He was far away from you, in another country, an important meeting was waiting for him but he decided to answer your call instead of staying in the meeting.

"My heart is broken, Tony.."

Your cry triggered something inside of the billionaire, he already started to plan how to torture the man that broke your heart. But he pulled himself together and knew that he had to comfort you.

"I'm alone and I don't know what to do."

You sounded so vulnerable and Tony's mind was a mess. He looked at Pepper who was gesturing at him to get back into the meeting. But he knew he couldn't. Not when you were devastated and was miles away from him.

"I will be there, Y/N."

His promising words sent a sad smile on your face. You nodded, even if he couldn't see it. Tony gave his assistant an apologetic look, and she knew better not to question him. It was obvious that Tony really loved his best friend, everyone wondered if he ever loved you more than a best friend.

Tony thought the same too— every single day of his life. Did he ever loves you more than a friend?

"Tony, do you think I'm unfit to be your best friend?"

You asked, out of sudden while you both were sitting on the couch, watching a movie. Tony frowned and wrapped an arm around your shoulder.

"You're my best friend, Y/N. What makes you think of that? You fit to be everything, Y/N."

You fit to be more than my best friend, he thought to himself. You shifted a bit and chuckled half-heartedly.

"I've read some comments.. About you being friends with me. They said I'm not good enough. You should mingle with someone who is better, smarter, prettier---"

"Shut up, Y/N."

He silenced you. A proud smirk was plastered on his face when you zipped youe mouth.

"You're perfect. Trust me."

His heart swelled when you cracked a genuine smile. You snuggled into his arms, and he gladly spreaded his warmth to you. Not so long after that, you started to doze off in the arms of your best friend.


Tony looked up, and noticed that Clint and Steve was on the doorstep. They smirked when they saw you sleeping in Tony's arms. Tony glared at them and gestured them to be quiet.

"Don't you want to wake her up?"

Clint dared to ask. Tony's eyes hardened at the Hawkeye and he shook his head.

"Don't you dare to wake her up. She's exhausted."

Everyone else could see the affection and tenderness that Tony was giving to you, they knew he loved you more than a friend. But you were oblivious of his feelings for you.

There was one night where Tony just got back from a mission. His body was aching and his mind was tired. He wanted nothing more than to rest. But as he was about to do that, his phone rang and your voice alerted him.

"I'm sorry, Tony I know you just got back and you must be tired---"

"Y/N, what's wrong?"

Concern laced his voice as he could sense your dejection. You broke into tears and Tony knew something must be wrong.

"It's.. It's my father."

Tony rushed to your father's ward room, his eyes widen as he spotted you. You were sitting on the floor, your legs were pulled towards your chest. He looked at the bed and noticed that it was empty.

"Oh, Y/N... What happened?"

"My father. He's gone, Tony.."

You cried into his chest and Tony wrapped his strong arms around you. He rubbed your back softly, soothing you with his touch.

"He's the only family that I had.."

Tony's heart ached when you cried. He caressed your face in his hands and forced your eyes to meet his.

"You have me, Y/N.

You looked up at your best friend and nodded weakly. You knew no matter what, he would stay by your side. He would never leave you, ever.

He knew it would hurt him endlessly if he kept his feelings to himself. But he didn't want to admit it, he also didn't want to let you go.

"Tony, look at this!"

Tony's smile fell when his eyes landed on a diamond ring on your finger. You squealed in delight and jumped on your feet like an eager child. Tony quickly composed himself and faked a smile.

"He popped the big question?"

"He did. And I said yes!"

You were feeling buoyant and Tony knew he had to be happy for you. He walked over to you and spun you around, you giggled when he did that.

"Congratulations, Y/N! I'm so happy for you."

You laughed heartily and hugged him. Tony sighed, he wished he could be the one who proposed to you. But he wasn't the one for you.

Tony knew this day would comes. You invited him to be on your wedding day and you gave him the honour to walk you down the aisle.

He wanted to tell you how much this marriage would break his heart. He wanted to let you know that you were crushing his heart. But he didn't.

"I will be there, Y/N."

He only managed to promise you that, as it always brought a smile upon your lovely face. Tony had sacrificed for many people, and yet he felt as if he wasn't good enough for you.

"I'm nervous, Tony."

"You'll be alright, Y/N."

He assured you, a smile was painted on his handsome face. He gazed at you and his melancholy heart was telling him that it would be better if you were his bride.

"By the way, you look gorgeous."

He complimented. You gave him a huge smile and took a deep breathe. You were glad that your best friend was there and agreed on this.

Tony had never thought he would ever feel this kind of despair, but he knew it now. As he walked you down the aisle, he could see you smiled at your future husband with a smile that you had never given anyone else.

You were truly happy, and for that Tony was grateful that you met this wonderful man that was going to be your husband.

Tony's heart was heavy when he had to let you go. But then he remembered that he wasn't the groom. He had to let you go.

He watched with a smile as you said your vows and all, but he didn't hear a thing. His mind was focused on you. You looked so beautiful and your laughs was so genuine.

As you kissed your husband, Tony knew he lost you.

But then he remembered, he would never lose you as a best friend. You would always be there with him, standing beside him, supporting him through everything.

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