⭐ Lie To Me | Phil Coulson

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I was listening to Lie To Me by 5SOS and this idea just crossed my mind!


I saw you looking brand new overnight
I caught you looking, too, but you didn't look twice
You look happy
You look happy

"Y/N, I'm doing this to protect you!"

Phil never wanted to yell at you, but today he had to. He had to make you understand that your safety was his priority. He would do anything in his power to keep the love of his life safe and sound.

"I'm safe with you, Phil."

Your lips quivered, tears started to pool in your eyes. This couldn't be happening now. You loved him so much, and he was asking you to leave. You didn't want to leave, you'd never.

I saw you looking brand new overnight
I caught you looking, too, but you didn't look twice
You look happy
You look happy

"Safe with me? Y/N, do you realise that they almost put a bullet in your head a few hours ago?! All because of you're my girlfriend."

He was getting angry now. He didn't want you to leave because he hated you, but he just wanted to protect you. You were kidnapped, tortured and almost get killed by his enemy but luckily, he got there on time to save you.

"But you saved me!"

Your voice was matching his tone, a lone tear escaped your eye. Phil sighed deeply and shook his head.

"I--- I can't live like this. I have other things to do and not just worrying about you all the damn time."

He clenched his jaw, his vision was clouded by his own tears. He knew you were hurt by his wounding words. But it was better if you did.

"I can't protect you forever, Y/N. You know that. I need you to leave."

He was determined to break up with you. You nodded weakly, knowing that nothing you said would change his mind. His decision was permanent, he didn't want you in his life anymore.

So you left.

Now I wish we'd never met
'Cause you're too hard to forget
While I'm cleaning up your mess
I know he's taking off your dress
And I know that you don't
But if I ask you if you love me
I hope you li-li-li-lie
Lie to me

That was three years ago.

Phil couldn't help but hoped that one day he would get to see you again. It was absurd to think such thing as that, but he just kept hoping that you would be happy to see him again.

His hope wasn't crushed when he finally saw you, unexpectedly to be honest. He met you at one of Stark's parties. Phil rarely accepted the billionaire's invitation to his party but tonight he decided to go.

Phil was talking to Tony when his eyes wandered and he noticed you across the room. His breathe hitched and for a moment, he froze in his place. Then he realised that you weren't alone.

A man linked his arm with yours, making a radiant smile appeared on your lovely face. Your eyes landed on him, and to his surprise, your smile didn't fall.

It's three A.M. and the moonlight's testing me
If I can make it 'til dawn then it won't be hard to see
That I ain't happy
I ain't too happy

You and your companion walked towards him and Stark, Phil was nervous even if he knew that you weren't going to meet him but Stark because he was the party host.

"Thank you for inviting us to your party, Tony."

The man that was with you shook Tony's hand. Tony gave him a smirk and nodded before moving his eyes on you. Phil just realised, that your eyes were on Tony and never on him. Perhaps you really hated him now.

"Oh, future Mrs Pace! Finally I've got to see you, Y/N.

Flashing back to New York City
Changing flights so you'd stay with me
Problem was I thought I had this right

You chuckled at Tony's words and hugged him back kindly. You could feel Phil's stare burning into you but you didn't mind it.

"Coulson, I introduce you to these lovebirds, Lee and Y/N Pace."

Phil stiffened at the last name, as a frown appeared on his face. You chuckled and shook your head at the billionaire.

"We aren't married yet, you know."

"Yes, but you have to get use of that name now."

Your fiancé interrupted, a charming smile was plastered on his handsome face. You grinned and gave him a nod. You looked at Phil with a warm smile, before Tony pulled you and your fiancé to the dance floor.

Now I wish we'd never met
'Cause you're too hard to forget
While I'm cleaning up your mess
I know he's taking off your dress
And I know that you don't
But if I ask you if you love me
I hope you li-li-li-lie
Lie to me

Phil stood there, tears brimmed in his eyes, his heart was aching. Your luminous eyes were looking into Lee's, your smile never left your beautiful face. Phil wished he was the one who danced with you, and kissed you on the dance floor. But you were too happy to even notice sadness clouded his eyes.

He watched as your fiancé guided you into the dance, smiling at you like you were his only lifeline. Phil knew that look- look of pure love and ecstasy. A sad smile cracked on his lips, he tried to be happy for you. Someone was loving you in the way that he couldn't.

He was hoping to see you again, but right now when he saw you in another arms, he regretted it. He wished he had never met you.

He was yearning to come and greet you but he knew better not to. You were happy, and you didn't love him anymore. But for once, at least once, he wanted to hear you say that you loved him even if it was a lie.

With a heavy heart, he left the party. He knew no one would be looking for him as the party continued on. He couldn't let himself watch you smiling not because of him, but because of another man. It pained him to do so.

Li-li-li-lie, li-li-li-li-li-lie
Li-li-li-li-li-lie, li-li-li-li-li-lie

And I know that you don't
But if I ask you if you love me
I hope you li-li-li-lie
Lie to me


I just put a little bit of Lee Pace (my loveee) in this chapter. Just to show my adoration for the tall bean. :)

I hope you like it!

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