⭐ Heroes | Phil Coulson

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Phil Coulson looked at his watch, then sighed heavily. It was almost 2 a.m. He got out of his car and walked to his home.

As he opened the door, he was greeted with a sleeping wife on the couch. You were sleeping soundly there, still looked as beautiful as ever. A smile creeped on his face and he wasn't tired anymore.

He kissed your forehead softly. And as a light sleeper you were, you were awake as his lips touched your skin. You opened your eyes and cracked a smile as you saw him.

"Oh, I didn't mean to wake you up! I'm sorry."

You chuckled when he apologized. You've been married to him for nearly six years now, and he didn't even change a bit; still a gentleman like the first time you met him.

"No need to apologize, Phil."

You stood up and pulled him in for a short but passionate kiss. He pulled away and rested his forehead against yours. A sigh escaped his lips.

"I miss you, Y/N."

"I miss you too."

You smiled sadly at him. You knew he always tried to be there for you, but his job became the reason why he couldn't always be by your side. And you understood.

"How's our heroes?"

He said while smiling, and put a hand on your swollen belly. You put your hand on top of his and grinned.

"This hero is doing fine. But he keeps kicking me since this morning. It's kind of tiring."

You told him. Phil caressed your face with his other hand, making a smile spreaded on your face.

"Aww, my poor baby gets bullied by our son."

Both of you chuckled at his words. Your husband always knew how to make your day better. Everyday.

"Hey, buddy. Can you please don't bully your beautiful mother? Thank you."

He talked to your unborn baby, making you laughed. He was so adorable--- so different compared to him while he was doing his job.

"And what about our other hero?"

He asked. You smirked and took his hand, leading him to your son's room. He raised his eyebrows. You were smirking and he knew there was something going on.

"James refused to take off the clothes. He wanted to show it to you, honey."

You opened the door and Phil saw that his four-year-old son, James, was sleeping in his Captain America costume.

"It must be uncomfortable."

"I know. I've tried to change his clothes a few times now but he will wake up and say that he wanted to wait for you, Phil."

Phil's heart sank as he thought that he wasn't being around his son like he should now. You noticed that and you quickly took his hands in yours.

"It's okay, honey. We all understand your job. Even James do."

"Y/N, I should be here with all of you more often but--- but I can't, I---"

You kissed him, silencing him. He kissed you back immediately, feeling you so close with him made his heart swelled in happiness.

"I love you, Phil. We all love you. I know how hard you work for us, and you keep everyone safe."

You comforted him. He shook his head but you sat on your tiptoes and kissed his nose playfully.

"You're our hero, daddy."

You said while putting his hand on your belly. Phil smiled broadly as he felt a kick from the child that was growing inside of you.

"He's kicking!"

"I've told you!"

You both were enjoying the moment when you felt someone was tugging on your clothes.


James called out, making you and Phil looked and saw that the boy was awake. He was standing right beside you.

"Hello, James. I guess you have something to show me?"

Phil wrapped his arms around James. The boy grinned and quickly told his father about the costume that he was wearing.

"Oh, really? You can be better than Cap?"

You heard Phil talked to your son. You smiled as you watched them. It was cute and you won't let a moment like this pass your mind.

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I've read a post about a husband being away from his family and his wife sent photos of the children everyday to him. I was so in love with the cuteness so I thought I would do something different but still with children.

I hope you guys like it!

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