Tag, You're It! (Vol.2)

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I was tagged by hungergames36

1. What's your full name?

(I better not tell my name here.)

2. Do you have any hobbies?

Reading, writing and watching movies.

3. What's your favourite song?

Meet Me On The Battlefield by SVRCINA


Invisible by Anna Clendening (i think this song is like a fangirls anthem for me)

4. What's your phone homescreen background?

 What's your phone homescreen background?

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5. Do you have any big dreams?

Becomes a lawyer and pursue my passion to be a writer as a side career. I also have a dream to travel to Rome. Perhaps meeting one of my celebrity crushes.

6. Did you sleep well last night?

Actually I did until I woke up at 2.30 a.m. and couldn't go back to sleep.

7. How many best friends do you have?

I don't even have an exact number for that. I can't count them.

8. Do you like maths?

I do. I wish it likes me back :')

9. What's your favourite subject?


10. Where are you from?

I'm from Malaysia.

11. Do you like sports?


12. Are you healthy?

I'm healthy, I guess.

13. How much do you cost?

More than my siblings. Thats all I can say.

14. Do you have any favourite singers?

I do. Many of them.

15. Do you have siblings?

Yes, I do have a younger sister and a younger brother.

16. Can you draw?

A simple drawing, sure. But other than that, no.

17. How many lessons do you have on Monday?

Monday is a tough day. I have five classes- English, Addmaths, Chemistry, Biology and Maths.

18.  Do you have a crush?

Celebrities, yes.

19. Are you single or taken?

I'm single but I ignore people like I'm taken.

20. If you had a chance to take home an idol, who would it be?

Lee Pace. I think he is a wonderful and a warm person. We can like have some very nice conversation that is if I didn't pass out because his smile is so adorable!

I'm tagging:-

just taking this chance to thank all of my wonderful readers! thank you for your reads, comments and votes i do appreciate them a lot ❤

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