⭐ Save Us | Stephen Strange

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Requested by @IntenseGaze
A mix of angst and fluff for you!

Based on prompts:
12. "There was never an us."
41. "You're not supposed to be here."


Since Stephen joined the Avengers, he had been busy. You didn't mind him spending time as a hero more than he spent time as your boyfriend. You knew it was a reponsibility that he carried on his shoulders and he had to do it.

Your job as a pediatrician kept you busy as well. Of course, he thought that your job was easier than his. He thought your job as a physician that specializes in children was not as tiring as his job.

It wasn't unusual for him to walk into the sanctum and get mad at you. When he got home especially on his bad days, he would let out his anger on you. He would scream and yell at you like you were a doll without any feelings.

You would let him and considered that he was just tired. You didn't want to fight with him. But it kept going on and you couldn't do it anymore. He was getting on your nerve.

"You can't just let out of your anger at me every single time, Stephen!"

Your yell was heard in the sanctum, and it was the first time you yelled at him. Stephen was flabbergasted but you only increased his anger by yelling at him.

"You have no right to be mad at me, Y/N!"

His eyes were burning in anger and for a moment, you were afraid of him. Your heart was beating rapidly against your chest when he raised his hand and you thought he was going to hit you.

You gasped when you realised his hand stopped just a few inches from your face, if he didn't stop, a hard slap would definitely comes on your face. He dropped his hand and gritted his teeth.

"What's happening to us, Stephen?"

You asked, your voice laced with undeniable sorrow and he could sense it. Stephen pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head.

"There was never an us."

He spoke casually, as if the words that rolled out of his tongue didn't hurt you. Tears welled in your eyes and your lips quivered.

"How could you say that?"

Your voice cracked and his words were like venom poisoning your soul. Stephen looked at you with glassy eyes and sighed.

"There is only me and there is only you. Not us."

He said spitefully. You breathed sharply and bit your lip. Tears rolled down upon your cheeks and you didn't even mind to wipe them away.

"So this is it?"

You asked. Your mind knew the answer as soon as he looked into your eyes, but your heart was denying it. You wanted to hear it from his mouth.

"I'm sorry, Y/N."

He whispered and that was enough for you to understand the meaning behind his apology. You nodded weakly and smiled sadly at him.

"Goodbye, Stephen. I hope I'll never see you again."

Stephen winced slightly at the tone of your voice. He knew you were wretched, but most of all you were angry. You were angry at him and angry at yourself as well. You failed to be a good girlfriend that he needed.

Your life was not as contented as when you were still with him. Of course, you smiled broadly and laughed genuinely at the hospital. Your job required you to stay happy and focus. There was no time to weep over him.

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