⭐ Together | Loki / Thor

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Thor and Loki watched as their mother held an infant in her arms, a smile was painted on her face. Frigga saw confusion on her sons' faces, and she gave them a nod.

"Want to come and see your little sister?"

Thor and Loki were just children at that time, and they wondered when did their mother gave birth of a baby?

Thor was the first to walk towards his mother who was sitting in bed with the newborn--- you, in her arms. Thor put his hand on his little sister's tiny hand, a smile started to crack on his lips.

"Loki, look! She's adorable."

Thor's words influenced Loki and he quickly went to see you as well. His heart swelled in joy when you wrapped his fingers in your tiny hand.

"I think I already love her."

Loki said, making Frigga chuckled under her breath. As soon as her eyes landed on you, she knew you would be a lovable person. You were just a baby, but you already stole the princes' hearts when they met you.

"Mother, may I ask you something? Where did she come from?"

Frigga smiled at Thor's question. Her sons were smart. They knew that you were not from Asgard, you were different.

"She's a Midgardian. But now she's one of us. She's your little sister now."

Loki and Thor nodded at their mother's words. Midgardian or Asgardian--- They paid no attention to your heritage because whatever it was they would love you until the end of time.


"Where is Y/N?"

Loki asked Thor who was sparring with Lady Sif and Fandral. Thor's eyebrows furrowed as he pondered where his sister might be. When he realised that he did not see her all day, he shook his head at Loki.

"I'm sorry but I do not know, brother."

Thor responded, worry started to wrap around his heart when he did not know where you were. Loki sighed and he was going to nag at his brother when you came running into the room, crying your heart out.

"Y/N, what happened to you?"

Thor dropped every thing he was doing and walked towards you. He signalled his friends to leave and they did without any questions. Loki's heart broke into tiny little pieces when he heard you cry. He did not wait to pull you into his arms, engulfing you in his warmth and comfort that you needed.

"They--- They hate me."

You managed to say between your sobs. Loki tightened his arms around you whilst Thor was raging with anger when he realised that somebody was messing with his little sister.

"Y/N, you're an adorable person with a big heart. Who would say such thing to you?"

Thor asked softly, making you pull away from Loki to look at your older brother.

"But Thor, they said that I do not belong here. I just want to be their friends!"

You told your brother and he immediately knew that the children of Asgard were hating on you. Loki curled his hands in fists and he was going to leave and finish them off when Thor stopped him.

"Loki, don't."

"But they hurt our sister!"

"They're just kids, Loki."

Loki rolled his eyes at Thor's words but after seeing your face, his heart softened. He looked at you and he knew you would not want the children to be harm.

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