⭐ Tired | Loki

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There was a time when you and Loki were two fools in love. Of course, he took his time to admit that he was falling for a mortal, like he would say.

On the other hand, you didn't believe a word that he said. You hated him since the beginning. But perhaps it was meant to be for you to fall in love with him too.

Every smile, every laugh, every tear and every fear--- he was there with you. Sometimes you even questioned if you deserved his love?

It was perfect, at least for both of you. You were hopelessly in love with him and he was madly in love with you.

Everytime you said you loved him, he will smiled so wide at you and said that he loved you too.

Until one day, he ruined it.

Loki was back from Asgard after he settled a few business with Thor there. You, of course, were so excited to see him after months of being apart.

As soon as he stepped into your home, you ran into his arms and he spun you around with a grin on his face.

"Oh, how I miss you, darling."

Loki kissed your cheek softly, making you giggled. He said that everytime he was away.

"I miss you too, Loki. I love you."

You smiled. You didn't know where did you say wrong, but his face dropped as he heard the word 'love'. He let go of your hands and backed away.


He shook his head and remembered the event that happened in Asgard. How he hugged another woman and kissed her lovingly--- but it wasn't you.

"Loki, what's wrong?"

Your voice sent guilt into his veins and not butterflies in his stomach anymore. It has changed. You frowned, he didn't say he loved you like he always did.


The angelic voice made him turned around. His eyes widen as he met with a pair of hazel eyes that once he fell in love with.

"Adriel, what--- what are you doing here?"

He asked in disbelief. Adriel smiled at him sweetly and took his hands in hers. Loki wasn't sure why, but he didn't pull away. He was enchanted by her beauty and her graceful movement.

"I'm back now. I'm yours, Loki."

She said, tears brimmed in her eyes. Loki suddenly realized that it was wrong. He loved Y/N, not Adriel anymore.

"No, you left me heartbroken and I won't let it happen again."

Loki stated coldly. But deep inside his heart, something was screaming at him to let her in.

"I broke your heart."

A tear rolled down her cheek. She smiled sadly at him.

"So let me mend your heart, Loki."

She pleaded with tears in her eyes. Loki was lost, his love for Y/N was too big but he had to admit that Adriel was his first love and she might be his last.

"I love you, Loki.."

She whispered before pressing her lips against his. Loki's eyes widen in surprise as she kissed him.

But he made a mistake. The love that he got for the beautiful mortal, Y/N disappeared as she pulled him closer.

"I love you too, Adriel. I always do."

He kissed her back with the same passion as her and the rest were all mistakes.

"Loki, tell me what's wrong."

You were getting upset when he didn't answer you. He looked at you with tears in his eyes. His lips was trembling with words.

"I--- I'm sorry, Y/N."

"What for?"

You gave him a small smile. He sighed heavily. You were so kind and so innocent. How could he say this to you?
"I love you, Loki so you can tell me anything."

He winced slightly. He slowly stepped towards you and kissed your forehead softly before looking into your eyes.

"I know you love me but I'm tired of lying when I say it back."

Tears. You felt tears pooled in your eyes as his words cut deep within your heart. Loki hated the look in your eyes, but he needed to tell you the truth.

He wasn't in love with you anymore.

"I can't live with lies. Forgive me, Y/N."

Loki reached out for you but you backed away, tears on your face. He bit his lips and let the guilt washed over him as he saw your tears.

"I--- I love you, Loki."

You took a sharp breathe and chuckled half-heartedly.

"How could you do this to me?"

You cried out. His words were killing you slowly. The pain was unbearable as you felt it consumed your heart and went through your soul.



Loki was taken aback, but he knew that was for the best. He loved Adriel and not you. The goddess was his first love and he believed that she will be his last.

But you--- you were just a distraction. A love that he found in despair while he was so heartbroken. Loki ran his hand through his hair and sighed.

"Forgive me, Y/N L/N."

He said for the last time before leaving you. You fell on your knees and cried your eyes out. You'd never expected this breakup will happen.

You loved him so much, but he was tired of loving you.

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