⭐ Our Spider-Son | Tony Stark

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You were working with Bruce in lab when you heard loud voices. You recognised those voices very well. Bruce gave you a look and you sighed.

"Take a guess what happened this time."

You mumbled under your breath, continued to do your work. Bruce chuckled and shook his head.

"They're too unexpected. I can't guess."

The scientiest responded, which made a laugh escaped your lips. However, your laughs died when your name was called.

"Yes, Tony? Can't you see I'm working?"

You said, smiling at your husband. Tony was standing in front of the lab, with Peter by his side. Peter gave you a guilty smile, and you immediately knew that something was wrong.

"I know, darling. But we need to talk about Peter. It's urgent."

Tony said, patting Peter's back. You frowned and looked at Bruce, who gave you a nod. There was a problem, you could tell. If those two came to you and wanted to talk, there must be a problem.

"Peter, what did you do?"

Your voice was soft, but the look in your eyes was stern. Peter gulped and let Tony guided him to his office. You almost laughed when you look at Peter's face. He was really anxious when Tony looked at him. You followed them and walked into Tony's office.

"Peter, now you have to tell her what did you do at school."

Peter sat on a couch across you, while Tony took a seat next to you. You were waiting patiently for Peter to talk. He fiddled with his fingers and looked up at you nervously.

"I.. I had a fight at school. But I have my reason! I was---"

Your jaw dropped when you heard that he had a fight at school. Tony's groan cut him off and Peter shut his mouth.

"I was called by his teacher, Y/N. He had a fight with his friends!"

Tony told you, worry was evident in his eyes. You put your hand on top of his, calming him down.

"I want to hear your reason, Peter."

Peter smiled at your words. Tony rolled his eyes dramatically and crossed his arms against his chest. Surely, he was pissed and worried at the same time.

"They were talking about Mr Stark."

Peter said, rage was clear in his voice. You nodded, allowing him to continue. You glanced at Tony and noticed that he was listening.

"They were insulting you, Mr Stark. I couldn't let them!"

Tony pinched the bridge of his nose and you held his hand tightly. You looked at Peter and realised that the young man was still mad at his friends.

"Is that all, Peter? You seem to be very angry at them."

You were so gentle and kind towards Peter, it almost made him cry. He nodded and a wistful sigh escaped his lips.

"They talked about Mr Stark's pasts of being a playboy and they thought that he will never change. I was mad at them, I am still mad at them. I mean, Mr Stark is married to you! He loves you very much. How could they talk about things like that?"

When he was done talking, tears started to roll down upon his face. You looked at Tony and he was shocked, just like you. In a full throttle, you walked over to Peter and wrapped your arms around him.

"It's okay, Peter. I'm not angry at you. You did what you have to do."

You whispered softly, and it comforted Peter. He looked up at you and gave you a small smile.

"But still, you don't have to involve in a fight just because of us. There are other ways to solve your problems."

Peter pulled away from you, wiping his tears. A warm feeling was tugging your heart as you looked at him.

"You both mean a lot to me. I can't let anyone insult both of you."

He mumbled under his breath, but loud enough for you and Tony to hear. Tony smiled broadly at his words and you could not help but chuckled.

"Next time, don't do this again. Or else, no missions for you."

Tony threatened Peter, a smirk was dancing on his lips. Peter's eyes widen and he nodded violently, agreeing with Tony without any questions.

"Tony, don't be too harsh on him."

You warned, glaring playfully at your husband. You looked at Peter and told him that he could leave. Tony was not happy though.

"Y/N, there's a lot of things that I have to remind him about. He could be so careless sometimes!"

He complained, like a worried father he was. You took his hands in yours and beamed at him.

"Y/N.. If I did something wrong, you'll scold me for hours but if it was Peter, you would play the loving mother role gracefully. Why aren't you that forgiving to me?"

He pouted, crossing his arms against his chest. You laughed at your husband and pecked his lips softly.

"Well, Peter is my spider-son."

You winked at your husband who was annoyed. He groaned and caressed your face in his hands.

"Our spider-son."

He reminded you, a smile tugged on his lips. You stood on your tiptoes and kissed his lips lovingly. He sighed in content and forgot about everything for awhile. However, the kiss was interrupted when Peter came in.

"Peter, you come at the wrong time and you know it."

Tony mumbled, wrapping his arms around your waist. Peter's face flushed and he shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm sorry but Dr Banner needs your help, Mrs Stark."

He said, before leaving the room immediately. You looked at your husband who was sulking.

"Dr Banner needs my help."

"But your husband needs you here."

Tony retorted, crossing his arms against his chest. You laughed and shook your head. You planted a kiss on his cheek, which brought a smile on his face.

"I'll see you when I'm done."

Hi! Thank you for reading my book, I really appreciate your support ♡

For those who have been messaging me or commenting to show your love and support, I'm truly sorry if I do not reply to every each of them.

Please know that I'm sending love to you guys from afar. I love all of you :)

I hope you enjoy my stories!

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