⭐ Darling | Loki

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You had never thought you would see him again. The last time you saw him was when Thor brought him to the tower. The memory of your first meeting with him was still fresh on your mind.

"So you're the one who thought that he could take over the world, huh?"

You smirked at the God of Mischief. He rolled his eyes at you and decided not to say anything. He didn't want to come here though but he was forced by Thor.

"I'm Y/N, by the way."

You introduced yourself and smiled sweetly at him. You could tell that he was annoyed but he had no other choice but to stay there for a few days.

"I'm Loki but I guess you already know my name."

He said smugly. You nudged him with and he looked at you with wide eyes.

"What do you want, mortal?"

"First thing first, mortal is kind of a cute nickname but I prefer darling."

You said, a smirk was dancing on your lips. Loki was surprised by your remark. But finally a smirk found its way on his face. He walked closer to you and towered over you.

"We've just met, darling. I believe calling you with such nickname is inappropriate."

He played with his words. You chuckled and eyed him carefully. He was very handsome, you admitted that.

"But you just did, Loki."

"Well, there's no inappropriate things in my life."

He said, making you chuckled and shook your head. You knew you were going to get along with him really well.

Now after four years he left, you were overjoyed to see him again. But you were not ready. You were nervous and you didn't know why.

When he walked into the tower, he greeted everyone with a smirk but it turned into a broad smile when his eyes landed on you. You felt your heart was melting when you saw his smile.


Oh, you didn't know how much you missed him until you heard your name rolled out of his tongue. He quickly walked towards you and pulled you in for a hug.

"Hey, Loki."

You smiled nervously at him. Loki frowned when he notice a change on you. You used to be very noisy, but why were you getting awkward now?

"What's wrong, Y/N?"

You grinned.

"I just.. I've missed you a lot."

You let him know and he laughed before kissing your forehead softly. You felt butterflies fluttered in your stomach. You didn't know why it was happening to you.

He was just a friend.

"I've missed you a lot too, Y/N. My only darling."

He said, only making you blushed like crazy. Loki chuckled and stole you away from the team and walked to the balcony.

"Do you want to know something, Y/N?"

"What is it?"

Loki gazed at you and a genuine smile cracked on his lips. He walked towards you and took your hand before kissing your knuckles.

"My heart has been yearning to come back here because of you."

He whispered sweetly to you, almost afraid if the others might heard him. Your eyes widen and you could faint anytime now. The look in his eyes was unusual.

"My heart has been longing to love you. Only if you let me?"

You smiled and put a hand on his cheek. God, his cheekbones could kill! That was something what attracted you to him.

"Of course."

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