⭐ Love | Peter Parker

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"Love at the first sight?"

Peter asked, he was trailing behind Tony Stark. The billionaire scoffed and shook his head before turning around to look at the young man.


Tony popped out the 'p' and continued to walk. Peter frowned and walked beside him.


"Because love at the first sight doesn't exist, Parker."

Stark pointed out, a smirk was painted on his face. Peter swallowed and nodded weakly. Maybe his mentor was right. He had never been in love before, but he believed in love at the first sight.

"Charmed by the first sight, maybe. But not love. It is not simple, kid."

Tony continued to speak about it until Steve came out of nowhere and frowned at him.

"What do you know about love, Stark?"

Tony rolled his eyes at the Super Soldier. He crossed his arms against his chest and huffed. Steve was glaring at him.

"What do you know about love, Rogers?"

Peter watched them while shaking his head. He didn't want to interfere in the argument so he decided to leave.


Peter muttered under his breathe and chuckled softly. He quickly left when he heard the argument got louder.


"Peter, you're home!"

May greeted, a wide smile plastered on her face. Peter looked at his aunt and realized she wasn't alone.

She was with... A girl. A beautiful girl.

"Hi, May. Who- Who is this?"

He stuttered, in awe by the girl's beauty. May patted the girl's shoulder and she stood up. Peter walked towards them with a nervous smile on his face.

"This is my friend's daughter, Y/N. She is a year younger than you."

May explained and patted her nephew's back, encouraging him to talk to you. You cracked a smile and Peter felt like he could faint. Butterflies fluttered in his stomach as you extended your hand.

"Hi, Peter. I'm Y/N."

You started, a smile formed on your lips. He shook your hand and didn't know what to say.

"Gorgeous, isn't she?"

May whispered into his ears and smirked at him. He nodded slowly and finally smiled broadly.

"Mr Stark, I think love at the first sight does exists."

Peter mumbled under his breathe but you caught a bit of his words. You raised your eyebrows and thought that he was talking to you.


"No- Nothing, Y/N. It's nice to meet you."

Peter let out a chuckle and you grinned at his awkward gestures. He was so cute and you couldn't help but felt your heart swelled in happiness everytime he looked at you.

"Y/N just arrived here with her mother. But it seems like her mother is busy with meetings and all so can you show her around this place, Peter?"

May asked, a smirk was dancing on her lips. She saw his eyes brighten as she suggested the idea. Peter nodded violently and a grin spreaded on his face. May almost laughed at her nephew.

"Of course, I will. Let's go, Y/N!"

He took you by hand and your eyes widen but you didn't pull away. You smiled at May before following Peter.

This was going to be a great day.


super short. i dont really have an idea to write about peter parker but i hope this will do.

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