⭐ Meant To Be | Stephen Strange

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Requested by @BlackOrchids_
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Based on prompts:
2. "You're with him? That sucks."
17. "Some people are meant to fall in love with each other... But not meant to be together."

Special appeareance: Dr West from Doctor Strange movie. Do you remember him?

You and Stephen were like fire and ice. Everybody in the team knew not to pair you up with Stephen if they didn't want any problems during missions.

You were nice to almost everyone, and to be clear, you were nice to him too. But his sarcasm and pride distanced you from him. Yes, he was like another version of Stark but at least Tony didn't pick up fights with you.

On the other hand, Stephen always found his way to tick you off. He pulled his pranks on you at least once a week and he didn't seem to mind if you were angry. Your rage didn't affect him at all.

It didn't make anything better when you started dating a surgeon, Dr Nicodemus West. Yes, you didn't know that Stephen knew him. You didn't know that your boyfriend was once Stephen's rival surgeon.

"How long have you been dating him?"

You groaned when Stephen suddenly appeared behind you in the kitchen. You rolled your eyes and walked out, trying to get away from him. But he won't give up.

"Y/N, I'm talking to you."

He smirked when you stopped walking to turn around and looked at him. You raised your eyebrows and sighed.

"Five months."

You responded. Stephen's eyes grew wide and he acted as if you slap him on the face. You shook your head, didn't understand why he was acting like that.

"You don't even tell me you've been dating him for that long!"

He complained. You glared daggers and him and crossed your arms against your chest. He was acting like he was your best friend or something.

"Do I need to tell you?"

"Yes, of course. Everyone knows but I don't and it's been five months."

You were getting annoyed now. You huffed and walked away from him, only for him to walk side by side with you.

"Why is it so important? You hate me, by the way."

He stopped dead on his tracks. You frowned when he did that. You noticed his face fell, but he quickly pulled himself together and pressed his lips into a thin line.

"I don't hate you, Y/N."

His words was music to your ears. But the way he acted, he showed almost everyone that he didn't like you.

"Well, it seems like you do, Stephen."

You said seriously. He took a few steps towards you and towered over you. You gulped when you could feel his breathe on your face. Your height difference was the only thing that distanced you from him.

"What makes you think that I hate you?"

He sounded... Almost hurt? But that just won't do, right? He wasn't hurt by your words. He loved to see you get mad because of him.

"I don't know. Maybe because you keep making me mad at you and now you're trying to interfere with my relationship just because you knew my boyfriend."

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