⭐ Study | Tony Stark

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You felt tears pricked in the corner of your eyes and you glanced at your watch, it was past midnight. Your head hurt just by looking at the books in front of you. You put your face in your hands and sighed.

"I can't do this."

You whispered to yourself, your heart was starting to ache. You finally let tears rolled down upon your cheek. For days, you wanted to cry but you kept yourself together and stayed strong.

"Why am I so stupid?"

You mumbled, and then you felt someone sighed behind you. You turned around and saw Tony, he was smiling softly. He took a seat next to you and put his arm around you, engulfing you in his warmth.

"Why are you still up, Y/N?"

He asked, and then he noticed tears on your face. He quickly turned into his worried mode and he squeezed your shoulders.

"Are you okay, honeybunch?"

He loved to call you with that nickname. It always made you smile. But not this time. You sobbed and threw yourself into his arms. You really needed this.

"I'm not okay. I feel like I'm so stupid and how am I going to sit my exam tomorrow?"

You cried. Tony rubbed your back softly and pulled you to sit in his lap. He looked you in the eyes and he knew you were exhausted. That was not good.

"You've been studying for weeks just for tomorrow. I believe you can do this. You're not stupid, you're very smart and you know it. Do not push yourself, you're already work so hard."

He said, a frown appeared on his face. He was worried for you. He knew you wanted to score perfectly on your exam but you were suffocating yourself with all of the hardwork.

"I can't do this.."

You almost whimpered. Tony hushed you and rocked you in his arms like a baby. He knew how you were feeling. You were feeling helpless, because you were too afraid for tomorrow.

"I can't remember a thing---"

"That is because you're tired, my honeybunch. You're my girlfriend and of course I want you to be successful. But don't push yourself over limits, Y/N."

He kissed your forehead softly and you sighed deeply. You had to admit, you were freaking tired with studying but you thought it wasn't enough.

"You need to sleep."

"No, Tony.. I have to---"


You looked at him and shut your mouth. He pecked your lips softly. You gave him a small smile.

"You need to rest. Tomorrow is a big exam for you and I know you'll do just fine. No, you're going to do it really great. I believe in you."

He said. You nodded and decided it was best for you to go to sleep before your brain explodes. You wondered how your boyfriend cope with his stress.

"Tony, I know you're tired too."

You said, making he chuckled under his breathe.

"Yes, I am."

"You need to rest too."

He just smiled.

"Okay, my honeybunch."

thank you for reading!

I'm very sorry if you find any spelling or grammar mistakes in my writing. English is not my first language (like I once stated in my first imagine). I'm still fixing my writing skills so forgive me if my writing is not as good as what you're expecting from me.

I'm not perfect but I'm trying my best to satisfy my readers. I love all of you so much for giving me support!

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