⭐ I'm Always Here | Tony Stark

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4.56 a.m.

You sighed deeply and tried to force yourself to sleep. But you couldn't. Your body was tired but your mind was exhausted. You couldn't rest thinking about your husband who had never be the same since the tragic demise with Thanos.

Tony had been so distant and cold towards everyone, including you, his wife. You knew he was dejected but you just wanted to help. You were worried sick of him when he was out there fighting the Mad Titan, so when he came back, alive, you were eternally grateful for it. You never thought that your husband was no longer the same Tony Stark.

He refused to talk to you about it and decided to keep his sorrow just to himself. You tried to understand him, you wanted to know the pain that he was going through but he just won't let you.

"I'm fine, Y/N. Now can you please leave me alone? I need to work."

That was what he said everytime you came to him and greeted him with the sweetest smile, asking him if you could help him with anything. But he pushed you away every single time, and continued to work in his lab.

You knew he was working on something to bring them back. He was trying to find a way to change this terrifying reality. But you were alone, you were wretched and confused. Did Tony ever feel happy and grateful that you were still here with him? Breathing and very much alive? It seemed like he didn't give a damn about you.

Once again, you found yourself crying, your tears soaked your pillow as you bit your lips to hold back an agonising sob. You missed Tony very much. You loved him more than everything but it felt like he didn't feel the same way anymore.

After what it felt like hours of crying, you stood up and made your way to his lab. You frowned when you didn't see Tony in there. You dragged your feet into the lab and noticed a note that was left for you.

Morning Y/N,

I'm meeting Bruce today. I have a few things to discuss with him. I'll be back before lunch.


Tears pricked in the corner of your eyes and you shook your head in disbelief. Of course Tony had a few things to discuss with the scientist, it was about bringing back the people. And about he was going to be back before lunch, you scoffed because it had been so long since you and Tony had a proper meal together. Even if you did, silence would hang in the air and Tony would eat and ignore you like you weren't there.

"Does he.. Even love me anymore?"

You questioned yourself, a lone tear rolled down upon your cheek but you quickly wiped it away. Your teary eyes landed on the sticky notes, an idea popped out on your mind.

If Tony never noticed how much you loved him, you were going to show it. You knew your husband was inconsolable, but you wanted to let him know that you were here to console him.

You started to write sweet messages for your beloved husband on the sticky notes. And put them on the project that he was working on. You knew the project was his main focus in life right now. You just wanted to show him that you were there for him.

"What are you doing?"

You were flabbergasted when you heard Tony's voice. You turned around and shook your head, smiling at him. Tony frowned and noticed the sticky notes on his project.

"Did you.. Did you touch my project?"

There was a lump in your throat and you looked down, ashamed of yourself. Tony knew very well that you didn't know anything about his work, so he wondered why would you be here. You looked up and noticed the disgust in Tony's eyes when he looked at you.

"I'm.. I'm sorry, Tony. I didn't mean to ruin it or anything I just---"

You thought he was going to scream or yell at you, but he went to read the notes instead. Tears pooled in his eyes when he realised that you were trying to make him feel better. He read the messages and his heart ache.

"Do not forget to get some rest, Tony. I love you!"

"Whatever happens, you'll always be my hero."

"Your wife is here whenever you need her. Love, Y/N."

"Hardwork is important, but your health is much more important. I don't want my handsome husband to get sick so don't forget to eat and sleep. I love you!"

"Tony, I love youuuuuuu!"

He couldn't bear to read the rest when his anguished heart told him that he was lucky to have you here, by his side. He gazed at you, you had tears streamed down your face now.

"What is all of these?"

You quickly mistaken his confusion with rejection and you shook your head violently. A great tremor overtook you as tears fell freely on your face. You looked up at him and couldn't help but felt so small.

"I don't know. I just.."

Tony curled his hands in fists and cursed himself for being so ignorant towards you. You stuttered, didn't know where to start or how to say it.

"I just thought by doing this you'll see how much I love you. I want to let you know that I'm here for you, always. I want to help you. I want to share your sorrow so you don't have to suffer alone. I miss you so much, Tony.."

You were sobbing, you couldn't hold it back anymore. You missed him, he was there but it felt as if he was miles away from you.

"I love you so much but it seems like you don't even know that I'm here. I know you've lost so many people but.. But I'm still here. I'm here and I hope you see it."

His heart wrecked at the sound of wailing and suffering escaped your lips. You gasped when Tony wrapped his strong arms around you. He buried his face in the crook of your neck and cried.

"I'm sorry, Y/N.. I never meant to neglect you. I love you so much and God knows how happy I am to hold you in my arms. I was too blind to see that you're here to comfort and love me. Please forgive me."

His heartbreaking cry making you cried even harder. You looked him in the eyes and you knew he was sorry. He didn't mean to make you feel bad of yourself. He was hurting.

"It's okay, honey.. I love you so much and I'll always forgive you. But please, do not shut me out of your life. I'm your wife."

You warned, a sweet smile was plastered on your face. Tony nodded and planted a kiss on your forehead lovingly.

"Yes, my beautiful wife."

He whispered, making you flustered and laughed at him. He sighed in content as you kissed him passionately. He had been missing you too, but he was too devastated to realise that you were the only person that mattered to him now.

"You have no idea how grateful I am when I know that you're safe. If--- If you're not here, I don't know what I would do."

You smiled at his rambling and kissed his nose softly. He hummed in delight before pulling you in for another kiss. You snaked your arms around his neck and he smiled in the kiss.

Your husband was back in your arms.

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