⭐ Bad At Love (1) | Tony Stark

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He planted a kiss on your lips then moved to kiss your jaw and down to your neck. You moaned as he bit your sweet spot, smirking as he heard you.

"Tony, we can't do this."

You pushed him away and he frowned at you. Tears blurred your vision as you turned your back on him.

"Y/N, what's wrong?"

You looked at him in disbelief. He dared to ask you what was wrong even when he knew exactly what was it.

"This is wrong, Tony. I'm engaged to someone else. I can't be with you. It's- It's wrong."

You said, remembering that you were someone else's fiancee. Tony pulled you into his arms and let you cried against his chest.

"I love you, Y/N.. You know that and-"

"Do not say that you love me, Stark."

You warned him. You wiped away your tears. Tony kept his arms around you, not wanting to let you go.

"We both know a man like you do not love."

You blurted out but realized that your words were too harsh when you saw his face dropped.

"I'm sorry, Tony but-"

"It's enough, Y/N. I love you but you will never believe it. I know you love me too but you are too scared to admit it."

Tony said, a clear sadness was in his voice. You took a sharp breathe and looked away from him.

"I couldn't leave my fiancee, Tony. I love him, not you."

You said and held back your tears. Tony could felt his heart was shattered in pieces. He had never felt love before until he met you. But he didn't know that you were the wrong person to fall in love with.

"Then why are you here with me?"

Tony asked and looked at you sharply. You were taken aback with his question but you smiled sadly at him.

"Because I want to end this."

You said in a whisper but loud enough for him to hear you. Tony's eyes widen and he shook his head.

"No, Y/N. We could be together-"

"We can't!"

You yelled at him with tears streamed down your face. You walked towards him and kissed his cheek softly.

"I'm not the one for you, Stark."

You whispered softly and gave him a small smile before walking out of his house, and his life- forever.


You sat on the couch and sighed when you saw him on tv. His face came out on the screen almost everyday now and you had enough. You couldn't see his face without blaming yourself for breaking his heart years ago.

"Mr Stark, do you ever love?"

One question from the woman for Tony Stark made you look at the tv screen with wide eyes.

You were curious too, did he ever love? But he claimed he loved you. You needed to hear the truth.

Tony looked at the woman who was waiting for his answer. He gave her his signature smirk then shrugged. All eyes were glued on the billionaire.


His answer got the people more curious as they started to ask more questions about his love story. You bit your lips and your shoulders slumped when he looked at the camera and smiled genuinely, you felt as if he was smiling at you; like he used to.

"A few years ago, I loved a woman that was so beautiful, smart and very kind. She was the light in my life. But she wasn't the one, I guess. She left and I've never seen her again. That was the first and the last time I'll ever loved."

Tony opened up, a small smile was on his face. The woman was stunned with his answer. On the other hand, you were hoping that Tony was talking about you- no matter how hard you break him.

"That was the last time?"

"Yes. I'm sure that no one else could make me happy as much as she did."

He was sincere. Deep down in his heart, he hoped that you were watching. Even after years being separated from you, you were still the light in his lonely life.

"Mr Stark, if you don't mind. What's her name?"

The woman asked. He frowned a bit and was unsure whether he should answer her or not. You looked at your television screen with wide eyes, afraid to hear his answer.

"Y/N. Her name is Y/N."

That was it. A tear rolled down your face as your name rolled out of his tongue. You put a hand on your mouth to stop yourself from sobbing.

"Y/N must be a lucky woman to have you loving her."

Tony smiled at the woman.

"I still love her, until forever. But I think now she's living a happy life with the love of her life."

Tony said, ignoring the pain that was wrapping his heart. His words broke your heart, just like how his heart broke years ago.

"She was engaged. I think she's married now. Y/N, if you're watching this. I just want to say that I'm wishing you an immortal happiness with your man. Thank you for being a part of my life, the best part indeed."

Tony spoke again before cracked a smirk, becoming himself back again. He wasn't going to let your shadow disturbing his life anymore. He could moved on with his life.

Married? You shook your head and cried. You weren't married. A few weeks after you left Tony, you had a big fight with your fiancee and you didn't talk to him for months.

You realized your fiancee wasn't the one for you when it was too late. You fought more than you loved.

So you broke things off with him.

Your heart was telling you that Tony was your love. But your mind was preventing you from meeting him.

You were the one who left, you weren't going to crawl back into his life even if you wanted to.

You were alone, he was alone.

You thought you were good at love, but actually you weren't. You couldn't see who was the right person for you. You were cruel to break the heart of a man who loved you so much.


first angst imagine for tony!
i love angstyyy stories but it is hard to write.

i hope you liked it!

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