⭐ All Over Again | Loki

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You smiled at the agents who were guarding the medical room, that was like a mini hospital in the Avengers Facility. They were supposed to guard the room just because an Avenger was injured during a big mission, if it was Tony or Steve they wouldn't be that careful but it was Loki.

They didn't want the God of Mischief to do anything stupid during his healing period. Of course, his brother took care of him but still, Loki managed to escape for a few times now--- claiming the doctors trying to hurt him or something while they were obviously helping him.

If any other humans got hurt like he did, they would die but because of Loki was the God of Mischief so he healed pretty quick. That was one of many other reasons why he was so cocky.

You walked into the room, looking around it and realised that it was huge and better than what you expected. You waved at Thor, who was sitting on a chair near Loki's bed. You glanced at Loki and smiled when you saw he was sleeping peacefully.

"You can get some rest now, Thor."

You said, walking over to your best friend. Thor rubbed the back of his head and pointed his finger at Loki. You knew how much Thor loved his brother, it made your heart swelled in joy.

"I will look after him, okay? You go get some rest."

You said to your best friend, making his eyes widen and he shook his head.

"Lady Y/N, I know you're more than capable to look after my brother but you know how he is. His injuries do not slow down his attitude."

Thor said, knowing that you and Loki weren't always on a good term. Loki could be a pain in the ass and he always tick you off whenever he got the chance. Sometimes you wondered where did you do wrong until he was so cold towards you.

"It's alright, Thor. I can handle it."

"Are you sure?"


Thor sighed contently and beamed at you, standing up from the chair. He was exhausted, and he was glad you were willing to take care of Loki for awhile.

"Thank you so much, Lady Y/N."

"No problem."

You muttered, a small smile cracked on your lips. As soon as Thor left, you sat on the chair, replacing him. You tilted your head a bit and smirked when you looked at the trickster.

He looked so calm, you couldn't help but thought that he was so adorable when he slept. To be honest, you liked him. His personality caught you in awe since the first time you saw him. But he acted as if you were his enemy or something, crushing your feelings in a jiffy.

"Why are you here?"

His voice snapped you out of your thoughts, and you stuttered. He sat up on his bed, glaring at you. You cleared your throat and sent him a smile.

"I'm here to take care of you."

"Where is Thor?"

"He's tired, Loki. He's resting now, perhaps taking a nap or something."

You explained, your smile never disappeared from your face. Loki raised his eyebrows and scoffed at your words.

"You care so much about him, don't you?"

Loki asked, annoyance was clear in his voice. You frowned slightly, wondering why would he asks you that.

"Of course, I do. He's my best friend."

Loki hated to admit but his heart was aching when you truly cared for his brother. His gaze hardened on you, his hands curled in fists under the sheets.

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