⭐ Quite A Mischief | Stephen Strange

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Hi! So the result of the votes for Stephen Strange Fluff or Bruce Banner Fluff:

Stephen Strange Fluff - 25
Bruce Banner Fluff - 17

So here it is, some fluffy imagine for our handsome Stephen!


"Mrs Strange!"

You could hear Wong's scream echoed in the Sanctum. A giggle escaped your lips as you quickly walked into your bedroom, shutting the door with a soft thud because you didn't want Wong to find you.

"What did you do now, darling?"

You jumped a bit and quickly turned around, sighing in relief when it was just your husband. Stephen chuckled and shook his head, opening his arms for you. You gladly ran into his arms, adoring his warmth.

"You're quite a mischief, aren't you? Can't stop pranking Wong."

He mumbled, kissing your head softly. You laughed and shrugged.

"Well, I'm Loki's best friend for a reason."

You stated proudly. Stephen's eyes moved from you towards a book in your hands. He got the clue and knew why would Wong be so angry in the morning.

"Y/N, did you steal this book from Wong?"

"I didn't steal it. I'm only replacing this with another good book."

You pouted playfully, earning a laugh from your favourite Sorcerer Supreme.

"You better return it to him before he goes all crazy around here."

He advised you, his eyes showed you a look of adoration and concern. You nodded weakly, and gave him the book.

"Can you please return it to him? And tell him that I'm sorry?"

You looked like a scolded child and it was impossible if Stephen didn't find you any cuter than you already were. He poked your nose and you giggled.

"You're adorable, do you know that?"

"I know!"

You were always energetic, bubbly and loud including when you were at work; considering that you were a reporter. Of course, there were days when you were feeling down but it was rare.

So when Stephen didn't hear any complains from Wong about your pranks, he also didn't hear you sing in the kitchen--- he sensed something was wrong.

He quickly made a beeline towards his and your bedroom. His eyes grew wide when he saw you in bed, whining like a small child.

"Darling, what's wrong?"

In a split second, he was by your side, his hand was on your forehead to feel your burning temperature. You tugged on his shirt and pouted.

"I think I'm sick."

"Yes, unfortunately you are, Y/N. Now you have to rest."

He was going to leave to take your medicine and all but you grabbed his wrist. Your hold was weak, and his heart ache at the thought of his chirpy wife was going to be quiet for a few days now.

"I'm going to take a rest, only if you're here."

He nodded, kissing your forehead lovingly. A faint smile spreaded on your face and you sighed in content.

"I love you, Stephen."

"I love you too. So much."

For the next few days, Stephen had to face with a sick Y/N and he hated it. He hated it when you were not feeling well. He was used with a smiling, grinning, laughing you until a whining, crying you was hurting his heart.

"I miss you, you know. Please get well soon."

He said one day, smiling softly at you. You returned his smile and nodded.

"I know. I miss me, too."

Your words made Stephen laughed and you managed to grin at your husband. His laughs would always be music to your ears.

"I looooooove you."

He said, yawning at the loss of his sleep that he got when he was busy taking care of you. You watched as he started to doze off beside you. You planted a kiss on his cheek, whispering good night into his ears and started to fall asleep as well.

Thank you for reading!
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