⭐ After Her | Tony Stark

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Hi! So the result of the votes for Thor Fluff or Tony Stark Angst:

Thor Fluff - 16
Tony Stark Angst - 21

So here it is, some angsty imagine for our beloved Mr Stark!


A wistful sigh escaped your lips when you didn't find your boyfriend in his lab. Bad thoughts clouded your mind as you were awake without him by your side. He was always in his lab, but not today.

He didn't even leave a note or anything to let you know where he went. It wasn't because you wanted to be notified everytime he left, but you were just worried. He was Tony Stark, many things could've happened to him and you just wanted to be the best for him.

You tried to call him for a few times but he didn't answer. Your heart was heavy and negative thoughts started to fill in your brain. You quickly dialed Maria Hill's number, who was also your best friend.

"He--- He goes on a mission?"

You asked in disbelief when Maria told you that the Avengers was on a mission; a dangerous one at that.

"Yes, I thought Stark told you. I mean, he always does."

Maria's voice rang from the other side, shaking you from your thoughts. You cleared your throat and smiled forcefully.

"Perhaps he forgot to tell me."

"That's impossible, Y/N! You're always on his mind!

Maria chuckled, trying to cheer you up a bit. You just thanked her and ended the call. Your heart ache at the thought of your boyfriend not even caring to tell you about this.

Like Maria said, he always told you whenever he left for missions. And today he went on a big mission, which could've risk his life. You tried to push your worries away but they just kept coming back.

Your headache only got worse when Pepper called you to ask if Tony was home. She called him but he didn't pick up her call, and she said she was worried sick about him.

"I'm worried about him too, Pepper. I'm his girlfriend and I didn't even know about this mission."

You didn't mean to sound grumpy, but you were a little bit hurt. You were always his priority.

"Oh, he didn't tell you?"

She was surprised, or at least--- she tried to sound like it. You bit your lip and held back a groan. Did Pepper knows but you didn't?

"Tony told me about this mission a few days ago. He said it is important."

That was it. You felt a lump on your throat and you quickly ended the call. How could he? He told his ex girlfriend about this mission but not you.

Yes, her. It was always her.

Your relationship with Tony was wonderful and he was the best boyfriend you could've ever asked for. But since Pepper came back a few months ago, as a friend--- Tony had changed.

It was always Pepper this, Pepper that--- you never mentioned about it to him but you hoped he realized that he was tearing your heart apart. It was as if whatever you did wasn't good enough for him. He would always compared you and his ex girlfriend.

Two weeks ago, he should take you out on a date. You waited for him at the restaurant, for almost four hours--- and he didn't even show up.

With tears in your eyes, and dissappoinment crawled over your chest; you went back to the tower--- only to find Tony sleeping on the couch.

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