⭐ Just Like Other Girls | Steve Rogers

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Steve knew he would get his heart broken if he was with you. He was aware of the whispers from his friends when he walked towards you. He realised that knowing you through Stark was not a good thing but he did it anyway.

It all happened so quickly and it was unexpected. Just by a glance, you got him wrapped around your finger. Steve was talking with Sam and Bruce when you walked into the room, hand in hand with Stark.

"Who is she? She doesn't look like one of Stark's typical girls."

Sam commented, as he eyed you who was walking with Tony. His words made Steve turn to look at you. His eyes grew wide at your beauty and confidence that you wore in your smile.

"That's because she's not his girl."

Bruce responded, sipping his drink. Steve nodded weakly. Sam was right, you were different than the girls that used to be on Tony's arm. Your smile was genuine, your makeup was not too much and the look in your eyes was pure. You looked almost innocent to be hanging around with the billionaire.

"Bruce, who is she?"

Steve asked, he could not take his eyes off you. Bruce raised his eyebrows when he realised that Steve was interested in you.

"Her name is Y/N L/N. She is Tony's good friend. I met her a few times before when she came here. I guess you guys were not here when she came."

Bruce explained. Steve swore he almost swoon over you when you laughed at something that Tony said. Like a magnet, he was pulled towards you. He wanted to know you. You were not Tony's girl, just his good friend. Moreover, you seemed different than the other girls.

"Steve, are you sure? I have to warn you that she's not what you---"

"I like her, Bruce."

Steve just ignored the scientist's advice as he started to make his way to you. The others were concerned about him getting involved with Tony's friend but he did not mind. In his mind, you were different. You were not just one of those pretty girls.

Steve kept falling for you, and he was not stopping. He did not want to stop. Your adorable grin and your luminous eyes were addictive. He could not survive a day without hearing your voice.

"Steve, I think you're forgetting something."

You said, a smirk was dancing on his lips. Steve was leaving for mission that morning. A frown appeared on his face but then he smiled when he understood you.

"Come here, Y/N."

You stood on your tiptoes and he lowered his body, kissing your lips passionately. You kissed him back, giving him a kiss which made him dizzy in ecstasy. He pulled away breathlessly, grinning at you.

Steve kept seeing you for months, he thought his life was perfect now that you were there for him. He still believed that you were different than other girls. You were special in his eyes.

However, he was wondering if you ever loved him just like how he loved you. His heart was beating rapidly against his chest when he realised that he was in love with you.

Now, he started to realise that you were never in love with him. His heart was shattered into pieces when his confession of love was taken as a joke.

"I love you, Y/N."

His words stopped you from kissing him, and you backed away from him. Your eyes grew wide and you shook your head violently. Steve was flabbergasted, he was not expecting you to push him away.

"No, Steve. Don't."

You said in a warning tone. Steve reached out for your hand but you pulled away from him.

"You... You don't feel the same?"

His voice cracked as the reality hit him hard like a truck. After all you went through with him, you acted as if he was your world. Or maybe, you were his world.

"I don't do love, Rogers."

You retorted, a smirk was painted on your face. You let him know as if it was in your nature. But it was.

"You should know that before you decide to be with me."

You added, your words pierced through his heart. Steve could not believe what was happening. He trusted you. He knew you were not like the other girls.

"You're lying, right?"

Steve asked, afraid to hear the answer. You chuckled and shook your head.

"Do you really expect to be in a serious relationship with me?"

You questioned, finding it funny to be in a serious relationship with someone. When Steve kept his mouth shut, you immediately knew the answer.

"Y/N, I thought..."

He mumbled, his eyes were glued on the floor. He was so in love with you, and now he was losing you because you were never his.

"I thought you're not like the other girls."

He breathed out, thinking how stupid he was to be with someone like you. He should've been more careful to date a girl who was Stark's good friend. Even if you were different in his eyes.

"I'm not like the other girls, Steve."

You said, and somehow Steve found his hope. But he knew there was no hope when you chuckled under your breath.

"I'm better than them."

You continued, patting his cheek softly. Steve had no words. He just poured his heart and soul to someone who wanted nothing to do with him.

"I guess this is the end?"

Your question remained without any answer from the Super Soldier. Therefore, you decided to make your own decision.

"This is the end, Rogers."

You planted a kiss on his cheek, and bid him goodbye. Steve breathed sharply, knowing that he loved someone who was almost heartless. A tear rolled down upon his cheek and he was afraid. Afraid that he would make another mistake in his life.

He thought he could see through anyone, knowing if they were different or not, good or bad. It seemed like you were different, because he failed to know you for real.


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