⭐ A Thousand Years | Thor

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Never once in your life did you ever think that you would be in love with the God of Thunder. You were too different than him, let alone being his girlfriend.

But your written fate has pulled you two together and luckily, you both met. It was a really terrifying moment for you, you were almost killed but when death was just an inch away from you he came and saved your life.

That was the moment when you first met Thor and your love has blossomed since then. On the other hand, Thor knew that you would be the one for him.

You both fell in love and became such a cute couple, like the Avengers would say. But you knew he wasn't from here. He was different.

You were ready for this moment.

You were ready when Thor wrapped his strong arms around you and told you that he had to go. His voice was sad, and he didn't want to let go of you.

Of course you were ready for this heartbreaking moment. But still, you weren't ready enough. Tears pooled in your eyes as he started to tell you. And when he held you in his arms, you broke down in tears.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N. But I have to go back to Asgard."

He apologized profusely, his heart was breaking at the sight of your teary eyes. You looked at him and tried to pull yourself together.

"For how long?"

He did not give you an answer. Instead of answering you, he planted a kiss on your forehead and lingered there for awhile.


You almost whimpered his name when he did not answer you. He sighed and looked you in the eyes.

"I--- I don't know, Y/N."

Your voice was caught in your throat as you said that. You weren't sure what to say. You did not want him to feel bad but you couldn't help but felt the pain yourself.

"I'm sorry. Asgard needs me."

You nodded weakly and gave him a sad smile. You needed him too, but you knew Thor had a bigger responsibility there than for you. You were not going to stand on his way.

"I understand, Thor. I do."

You smiled sadly. Thor kissed your lips tenderly, definitely gonna miss the feel of your lips on his. You pulled away and returned into his embrace. You stopped crying, not wanting to hurt both of you with tears no more.

"I love you, Thor."

You whispered softly to him.

"I love you so much, Y/N. I promise you, wherever I go I'll always love you. You're the only one for me."

Thor promised, a smile cracked on his lips before he claimed your lips with his one last time before he left.

"I promise I'll wait for you, Thor. I'll wait for you for centuries."

You sealed your promise and hoped that he would come back. You knew he will come back. Thor never broke his promises.

You waited for him.


"Aunt Y/N!"

You opened your arms and let the girl ran into your embrace. You hugged her tightly and laughed. She was so cute.

"Lily, I've missed you. Where is your brother?"

You asked the grinning girl. She pointed behind you and you met with a eleven-year old boy who was smiling at you. You gave him a hug and he gladly accepted.

"Sebastian, you're not a little boy now, aren't you?"

You teased. He laughed and shook his head. Later that day, you sat with your friend as you watched her kids played by themselves. You smiled broadly. Your friend, Kara nudged you, making you looked at her.

"What is it?"

"I'm tired to talk about this, Y/N but I have to."

You frowned and shook your head.

"About what?"

"You need to move on."

Kara said, a concern look was in her eyes. You sighed as your friend started to talk about the matter again.

"I know a guy who is suitable for you. Y/N, he is a good man and you---"

"Kara, no!"

You stopped her and chuckled under your breathe. Kara shook her head and looked at you in disbelief.

"Y/N, it's been almost 15 years. Thor has left for 15 fucking years. Do you realize that?"

Kara pointed out. She wanted the best for you and with you being alone, that wasn't the best in her eyes. She wanted you to be happy.

"I know, Kara but I love him."

You defended yourself, your heart was aching. Kara put her hand on yours and sighed.

"I already have two kids, Y/N. I--- I just want you to see what you've been missing for all of these years."

She tried to persuade you for so many times now. But you rejected her offer for so many times too.

"What I've been missing for all of these years is Thor."

You stated sternly before leaving with tears in your eyes. You heard Kara called out for you but you did not turn around. You couldn't believe that she won't drop this matter for your sake. You were happy enough now, you didn't need a man to make you happier.

You opened the door to your apartment and dragged yourself in. You were tired, but mostly sad about what Kara said earlier. You only loved Thor and you won't be able to have someone else in your life.

"Where are you, Thor?"

You mumbled under your breathe and tears started to stream down your face. Suddenly you felt someone's presence behind you.

"I'm here, love."

You turned around and everything was like a dream to you. Thor was standing there, smiling brightly at you but he frowned as he saw your tears.

"Y/N, I'm here now. Don't cry."

He wiped your tears away and you couldn't help but looked at him in disbelief. You still couldn't believe that he was here with you. Thor was home.

"Y/N, please say something. I know I left for too long and maybe I deserve a slap or whatever---"

You cut him off with a longing kiss. You snaked your arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around your waist. The kiss got more passionate as he lifted you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist. His tongue danced with yours and you happily let him win. It was like a dream, but it was a dream came true.

You both pulled away in the need of air and pressed your forehead against his. You smiled at him.

"You deserved that, Thor."

You chuckled. He grinned and sighed happily as he finally could have you in his arms again.

"Thank you for waiting for me, love."

Oh, how you missed his voice. You smiled genuinely and nodded.

"I would wait for you for a thousand years, Thor. Because I love you, and only you."

Tears of happiness rolled down your face as you pressed your lips with his again, the feeling of him made you felt alive.

"I love you, Y/N. I'll forever do."

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