⭐ How It Ends | Peter Parker

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I suggest you to listen to Sad Song by We The Kings feat. Elena Coats while reading this.



Peter walked through the hospital halls, a bouquet of your favourite flowers was in his hands. His heart was hammering against his chest. A kaleidoscope of feelings was battling in his mind when he thought that he was going to see you.

Peter smiled when he saw your father. He was standing in front of your hospital room. As soon as he saw Peter, he went to hug the young man.

"Mr Stark, may I see your daughter?"

His voice cracked slightly, agony wrapped around his heart when he noticed that your father was holding back his tears. Tony nodded, giving him a sad smile.

"Dad, don't tell Peter that I'm here."

You whispered to Tony, and you quickly hid under the table before your father could question you. Tony looked at Bruce who just shrugged his shoulders.

"Y/N, where are you?"

Not so long after that, Peter walked into the lab to find you. He looked around and noticed that you were nowhere in sight.

"Mr Stark, did you see Y/N?"

Tony pretended to be thinking before shaking his head. Peter thanked his mentor and walked out of the lab. When he was gone, you came out of your hiding place and laughed.

"Thanks, dad. I love you!"

You kissed your father's cheek and giggled. Tony looked at you with a smirk on his face.

"What did you do to him, my dear Y/N?"

You chewed on your bottom lip and put on a guilty smile.

"Just a harmless prank, I swear!"

You responded, a big grin was plastered on your face. Tony laughed and kissed your head lovingly. Bruce looked away from his work and smiled at you.

"I can't tell what kind of harm will you bring in the harmless prank, considering you're a Stark."

Bruce pointed out, which made a chuckle escaped your lips. Out of the blue, Peter made his way back to the lab and saw you. Your eyes grew wide and you quickly ran from him. Peter was hot on your tails, still annoyed with the prank that you put on him.

Too quiet, dull and sad--- The only thoughts that were running through Peter's mind when he looked around your hospital room. He sat on a chair next to your bed, his hands were trembling as he put the flowers on a table.

"Morning, Y/N. It's me, Peter."

He started, a smile found its way on his face when he gazed at you. He always smiled whenever he saw you. Slowly, he took your hand in his, kissing your knuckles softly.

"As usual, I'm here for you. I hope you're not bored with me."

He chuckled half-heartedly, hoping that you would wake up and laugh along with him. He missed your laughs, though he never told anyone about it.

"Last night, I watched your favourite movie. The one with a happy ending. It's your favourite, right?"

Tears brimmed his eyes, his voice started to break. You were lying helplessly in bed, fighting to be alive, and Peter wanted nothing but a happy ending with you.

"I've always hated those happy endings. But you love them, don't you? Right now, I just... I just want a happy ending for you. For us."

A tear rolled down upon his cheek and he stopped talking, afraid that you would be sad to know that he was crying. He did not want to upset you. He knew you were listening, even if you could not say anything.

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