⭐ My Babyboo | Bruce Banner

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"Tony, did you see my babyboo?"

You asked the billionaire with a grin on your face. Tony laughed at the name and nodded. He put down his phone on the couch and pointed the way to the lab.

"Your babyboo is at the lab. I don't know when will he stop working."

Tony said. You smirked at him while shaking your head.

"You're just the same, Stark. If I didn't tell you to go eat a while ago you won't be here."

He grinned and shrugged.

"I want to see Bruce. Bye, Tony!"

You walked to the lab and smiled when you saw your boyfriend. He was focusing on something and he looked so adorable.


You called out and walked into the lab. He was surprised and flinched a bit. He turned around and a smile cracked on his face as he saw you.

"Y/N, what are you doing here?"

He opened his arms and you quickly jumped into his lap. He chuckled and you bit your lips. It took you so long to assure him that this intimacy was fine. Now, after three years of dating, only Bruce got really sweet and touchy with you.

"I'm bored."

You told him. He poked your nose, making you giggled.

"Well, I'm working, sweetheart."

He adjusted his glasses and smiled at you. You rested your forehead against his and sighed.

"Stop working for awhile. Tony is resting, by the way."

You persuaded him. He shook his head and kissed your cheek softly.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. Need to finish this."

"But, Brucie..."

You whined and pulled the collar of his shirt towards you. He blushed crimson as you looked him in the eyes. Oh, how he really admired and loved you.

You took his glasses and tried it on. He smiled warmly at you. Somehow you could always warm his heart and never boiled his blood. You were so special.

"You're so adorable."

He kissed the tip of your nose and took back the glasses. You pouted and crossed your arms against your chest. Bruce avoided your puppy eyes. He could never stand them--- he would fall on his knees.

"I love you, Bruce."

You said before pressing your lips with his. He kissed you back immediately and you smiled in the kiss. When you pulled away, he shook his head at you.

"You were distracting."

"I know."

You answered. You jumped out of his lap and planted a kiss on his cheek. He watched you with interests.

"Okay. I'm not bored anymore. Thank you, babyboo."

You kissed his cheek repeatedly and he chuckled at your doing.

"I guess you want to bug Tony now?"

Your eyes widen as a smirk was dancing on your lips. You weren't thinking about that before but it sounded interesting.

"Good idea, Brucie. I'll see you when you're finished. I love you!"

You pecked his lips and left the lab to go and find Tony. It was silence for awhile. But then Bruce swore he could hear Tony screamed. He just laughed; wondering what prank could you pull on his friend this time.

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