⭐ Not The Only One | Loki

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Modern! AU
100K Special ❤


You stared blankly at the wall. Your hands curled into fists as tears started to pool in your already red and puffy eyes. Your heart was shattered into tiny little pieces, you wondered how could you still feel the emptiness.

You grabbed your phone and called your husband. Your breathe hitched when he answered. His voice wasn't sweet and loving, but it was harsh and forceful.

"I'm busy, Y/N."

You took a deep breathe before nodded, even if he couldn't see you.

"I will co--- come home soon, okay?"

He panted, like he was running or something. He could give you a thousand of excuses but you knew better. You could hear the sound of table creaking, a tear rolled down your cheek when a woman's voice got into your ears.


She moaned. You held back your sobs and faked a smile.

"It's okay, Loki. I know you're busy."

You said before you ended the call. A strangled sob escaped your throat and you clutched your chest, where your heart was, and cried. Your head was pounding, and your mind was racing, thinking about what your husband was doing with the woman.

It had been going on for almost a year now.

It all started with midnight calls, that he answered immediately in the balcony, far from you. You frowned and asked him, he would say it was his colleague.

You knew he had someone else. You knew he was cheating on you. But you always hoped that he would stop and realised that he loved you. That was why you stayed with him.

You loved him too much to let him go.

You had been married to him for three years. You weren't going to give up on him that easy. But you were a fool, you trusted him with all of your heart.

"Who is that?"

You asked him, someone had been calling him a few times in a day. The radiant smile that he used to give you wasn't there anymore. He gave you a scowl instead and avoided your question.

Pain, that was the only thing that nested in your heart. You smiled, even if you know he was going to out to meet her. You nodded, even if you know he cancelled your date night to sleep with her. You acted like everything was alright, even if you know everything was wrong.

"I'll come home to you soon, darling. I promise you."

You knew so well that he wasn't going out of town because of work, but because of her but you played along. You let him placed a kiss on your forehead, the same lips that he used to kiss her mouth.

"I love you, Y/N."

Oh, how you noticed that he was acting as if he loved you. Those beautiful words rolled out of his tongue meant nothing to you anymore. The tenderness of his love wasn't there, at least not for you.

You once caught him with that woman. They were in a restaurant, the one where he brought you on your first date. There was a lump in your throat and you wanted nothing more than to face them but you didn't.

You watched as your husband put his hand on hers, smiling so lovingly at her. She leaned in to kiss him and it was your cue to leave. You walked down the street, tears on your face and people gave you looks. Some were sympathetic, some were judging but you couldn't care less about them.

You found lipstick stains on his shirt a few times, but you had never scream and yell at him because of it. Perhaps you were wrong in your marriage.

You weren't good enough for him.

So there you were, sitting alone in the living room and blaming yourself. The image of Loki with that woman flashed through your mind and it made you cry.

You wondered where did you do wrong until this happened. He promised you that you were the only one. He promised you that he would stay by your side until forever. He promised he would love you just as much as you loved him.

Perhaps you didn't love him enough.

But tonight your heart was screaming for you to leave. Your mind was yelling at you for being so stupid for so long. Your eyes had enough tears to shed just because of your ungrateful husband.

You stood up and took a deep breathe. You were going to stop all of this. You couldn't live like his toy anymore. You weren't meant to live in sorrow.

This wasn't your destiny.

You knew where he was, you also knew he would be with her. But you had to see her, too. You went to his office and your heart almost stopped when you saw your husband with her.

She was sitting on his lap, and he said something that made her laugh.You smiled sadly, he used to make you laugh too. But you weren't for him. Not anymore.

You walked into his office, his eyes widen as he saw you. She frowned but when she recognised your face, she looked down in shame. You gritted your teeth and held back your tears.

"Y/N, I---"

You took off your wedding ring, silencing your husband. He shook his head in regret when you started to walk towards him with watery eyes.

"Have a good night."

You said, putting the ring in her hand. She was trying to say something but she knew better not to. You left and decided that it was the best for you.

You were enough for him.

You loved him so much.

It wasn't your fault.

Soon he would realise that it was his fault.

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