⭐ My Strength | Tony Stark

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Soulmate AU

You watched in horror as a few buildings collapsed and the people were running and screaming. The city was in chaos and was under an alien attack, that was what you heard.

You weren't sure what was happening to the city. But you knew that you couldn't survive. You weren't a fighter. You were just a normal human being.

You didn't even have heart to run. You were too scared. You didn't want to die. You looked down at your wrist and read the words on your wrist again and again.

The words that your soulmate would say to you for the first time he met you.

Guess you could never met your soulmate now.

A scream could be heard from where you were standing. You saw kids were crying and were in fear, perhaps they lost their parents.

You wanted to help them. God, you were almost crying at the sight of the scared kids. But you were scared too. You weren't that strong to help them. All of this time, in your whole life, you weren't a saviour in any situation.

But it all changed when he came.

Your eyes grew wide when you saw Iron Man was walking towards you. His helmet opened and he was panting. He looked at the kids before looking back at you.

"Gorgeous, I need you to help me."

Tony Stark said to you. You gasped and looked down at your wrist. You weren't shock because Iron Man needed your help. You were shocked because---

"Can you please take those kids to that building over there? You'll be safe once you're there."

He continued, but you were just too shocked. You looked at the kids and nodded, before shaking your head in realisation. You couldn't help them.

"I'm not that strong to do that."

Your voice cracked as you shook your head. Tony's eyes widen and he realized it too. Tears pooled in his eyes and he knew the feeling now. It was amazing.

"You're my.."

"Yes. I'm your soulmate."

You smiled at him. He chuckled softly, not believing what was happening. In the middle of the chaos, he finally met the one that he has been searching for his whole life.

The screaming kids brought him back to the reality and panic rose in his chest. He looked at you and put his hands on your shoulder.

"What's your name, gorgeous?"

"I'm Y/N L/N. And I know who you are."

You couldn't believe if. Your soulmate was Tony Stark. The Tony Stark.

"Y/N, you're strong and I can see it in your eyes. You need to help me save those kids."

He gestured to the kids. You weren't sure about it but with him, you felt safe. You nodded and was going to go to the kids when he stopped you.

"Just be safe, Y/N. I don't want to lose you."

Tony said, a smile was on his face. You nodded and he continued saving lives, as you took the kids to the building for safety.

Tony didn't know if you could make it. But he believed in you. He hoped that you were safe. He couldn't handle another loss in his life. And definitely he couldn't handle losing his soulmate right after he just met her.


Tony rushed into the building, so many people were in there, seeking for safety. The Avengers has promised them that. Tony didn't mind when Steve called out for him or when Thor was screaming for him to help him taking care of the crying kids.

He had one thing on his mind.

He wanted to find you.

His eyes were searching for you, his soulmate. He just met you but you've stolen his heart just by a look in your eyes.

"Nat, did you see her?"

He bumped into Natasha and quickly assumed that his friend saw you. Natasha frowned and shook his head.


"Y/N. Did you see her?"

Natasha was puzzled. She has never heard of that name before.

"In this kind of situation, you still are thinking about women, Stark?"

Steve came and judged him right away after he heard your name. Tony groaned and almost exploded.

"She's my soulmate, Steve!"

Tony yelled at the Super Soldier. All eyes were on him and the Avengers was surprised. They knew that Tony had not found his soulmate yet.

But he did now.

"I just.. I just met her. And now I don't want to lose her."

He almost cried. They all looked at each other before a woman came and put a hand on his back. Tony flinched and turned around.


Tears welled in your eyes as you wrapped your arms around his torso and listened to his heartbeat. Tony wrapped his arms tightly around you and buried his face in your hair.

"I thought you didn't make it. I was scared."

He admitted, allowing a tear to escape his eye. You looked up at him and chuckled.

"I'm strong, and you know it. I can handle this."

You said, a smile was on your lips. Tony chuckled and nodded, he was glad that you were safe. You were there with him and only that mattered now.

"I know you are, gorgeous. I know."

He whispered and held you in his arms. He had never felt this way before. You felt so perfect in his arms. You both were made for each other.

"I'm glad you've found each other."

Bruce interrupted. The others were smiling too. They knew how hard Tony's life was, and they tried to understand but failed. Now Tony has found you, his soulmate, the one that would stick with him through his ups and downs.

"I'm glad all of this happened. Or else I wouldn't find you."

Tony said, a smirk was dancing on his lips. You grinned and let the warmth of his body comforted you.

"We'll always find each other."

oh look at me! finally i manage to write a soulmate au. which is a good thing for me.

do you want me to write more soulmate au?

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