⭐ Safe With Me | Ronan The Accuser

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Tears pricked in the corner of your eyes when two men that kidnapped you from your home threw you on the cold hard floor. You heard their steps, leaving the room, making you calmed down a little bit.

You dared to look up and noticed that you were in an unknown room, and you were far away from home. Your throat felt like sandpaper as the result of screaming and begging for them to let you go.

Now you were nothing but helpless.

You were an ordinary girl, there was nothing special about you. You wondered why would someone kidnapped you like this. You didn't come from money or anything, you were just Y/N L/N.

"Pathetic human, I don't know why would he wants you to be here."

You cowered in fear when you heard a woman's voice, fear crawled in your chest when you saw she walked towards you with a scowl on her face. You frowned slightly when you realised that she was blue, literally blue.

"I believe my hands are aching to break that pretty neck of yours."

She threatened, a smirk was dancing on her lips. You gathered your strength and stood up, trying to hide your fear even if it was obvious to your capture.

"Where am I?"

Your voice cracked, showing off your fear over the blue lady. She scoffed, walking closer towards you. In each step she took, you stumbled backwards until your back was pressed against a wall.

"Obviously you're not walking on Earth now."

She answered, her face was emotionless. You let out a small gasp when you realised that you were really far from home, where you belonged. A tear escaped your eye and you pleaded at the woman.

"Please.. Let me go. I--- There's nothing special about me! Please let me go."

You cried out. The blue lady suddenly wrapped her hand around your throat, choking you until your lungs were screaming for air. Tears streamed down your face and you were waiting for darkness to consume you.

"You're right. There's nothing special about you, a Terran girl. But he wants you here. I have no idea why would he."

You struggled to get out of her iron grip but she just won't let you go. You didn't know who she was talking about, and you were too hurt to care. You were sure that she hated you very much. 


A harsh voice filled the room, echoing in the whole place. The blue lady, who you assumed was Nebula, dropped you in instant. You fell on your knees, gasping for air as you looked up and noticed there was someone else in the room.

"You dare to lay a hand on her?"

A man stepped out of the shadow, rage was clear in his eyes. He was very tall, muscular and a shade darker of blue than Nebula. He was intimidating, and your fear  kept rising in your chest. But somehow your heart was telling you that he wasn't going to hurt you.

Nebula's breathe hitched at the man's question. She took a moment to glare daggers at you who were on the floor, before moving her eyes on the man.

"If you hurt her again, I'll make sure you'll regret it. Now, leave!"

The man was angry, that was for sure. At the sound of his command, Nebula quickly left but not before she hissed at you between her gritted teeth.


His voice was stern but not as cold as the tone that he used when he was talking to Nebula. You flinched when he started to walk towards you, and that didn't go unnoticed by him.

"Are you afraid of me?"

He almost sounded disappointed. You couldn't stop your tears from falling freely upon your cheeks. You were flabbergasted when he sat next to you on the floor, looking you in the eyes.

"Please do not be afraid. I'm Ronan."

Now that you got to look at him clearly, you had to admit that his eyes were beautiful. Your voice was caught in your throat when he wiped your tears away with his thumbs.

"Forgive me for what Nebula did to you. I'm going to make her regret for even laying a finger on you."

He clenched his jaw and you could see that he was really mad of what Nebula did to you. But, why was he being nice to you?

"Please do not hurt me."

You said almost in a whisper, once you realised that he kidnapped you. He was very much looking like an alien to you, and you didn't know why you were feeling safe with him. Perhaps it was because he saved you from getting killed by Nebula. 

"Hurt you? I will never."

Ronan himself, was surprised that he could be so gentle with you. But he knew that you were the only one who could do that to him. And he wasn't going to let you go.

"Wha--- What do you want from me?"

You asked. You noticed his eyes lingered on your neck, frowning at the bruise that started to form on your skin. A wince escaped his lips and he shook his head.

"I should've known she would do something like this to you. Don't worry, I'm here to protect you."

He whispered softly, tucking a hair behind your ear. His touch was doing something to you, wrapping your fragile heart in a warm feeling.

"You didn't answer my question yet."

You retorted, suddenly feeling confident to talk to Ronan. He helped you up on your feet and he let out a sigh.

"I've been watching you for some time now."

He answered. Your eyes grew wide and your heart thumped against your chest rapidly. He was your stalker or what?

"There is... Something about you. From the first time I saw you, I knew I'm attracted to you. Now I just have to take you here, to be with me."

He was genuine, for the first time in his life. You didn't want to believe Ronan, but the look in his eyes was convincing you that this man was lonely.

"You don't want to be alone?"

A small smile ghosted on his lips when you asked him that. He gazed at you and nodded. Ronan never knew that he could be this, but you made it all possible.

"Yes, you're not wrong. I know we're different. But I couldn't help but fall for you from afar."

He confessed. You were stunned. You weren't sure what to do. You were kidnapped, and you were on a different planet. Then a blue lady almost choked you to death before Ronan saved your life and now he said he fell for you?

"Please.. Stay with me, Y/N."

Your heart ache at the vulnerability that Ronan was showing. You thought about your home, there was no one waiting for you. No family, no boyfriend, no friends, no pets. You had nothing.

"I.. I'm scared."

Your voice was small and Ronan suddenly felt protective over you. He knew you were afraid. But he was always there to shield you from your fear. 

"But I feel.. I feel safe when I'm with you."

You continued, looking at Ronan with your luminous eyes. He nodded and wrapped his strong arms around your small frame. You didn't hug him back, but that wasn't unexpected for him. There was still fear over him in your chest, but it was more to you didn't trust him yet.

"You're safe with me, Y/N."

Yeay finally my first imagine for Ronan!
I really love Lee Pace but mostly because of Thranduil (The Hobbit) and not Ronan, but I think Ronan is an interesting character. Except he could be extremely intimidating.

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