⭐ Housemates (5) | Tony Stark / Stephen Strange

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The final part is here woohoo!

There will be split ending for both Tony and Stephen. By the way I just want to say that these men are my precious gems ❤

Here we go!


Your heart was beating rapidly against your chest and your mind was racing. You know who you really loved, and you weren't going to let him down.

You were going to tell him.

You were so in love with...

Tony Stark

A wave of realisation hit you on the face when Stephen said that he was going to accept it if you chose Tony. That was what you were going to do.

A big smile spreaded on your face as you grabbed your keys and drove to meet Tony, the love of your life. While you were on the way, all of the moments with Tony flashed through your mind.

Tony was always there for you, through your ups and downs and you were just the same--- you would never left him even if he was in his lowest.

His smile made you smile as his tears could make you cry. You thought that it was only because you loved him as a friend, now you knew you were so wrong.

You loved him more than a friend, more than yourself. More than anything.

You parked your car and rushed into the tower, your eyes were looking for him. You saw Bruce and quickly made your way towards him. He saw you and a frown appeared on his face.

"Y/N, what are you doing here?"

Bruce asked. You were panting as you ran into the tower just now.

"Where's Tony?"

You asked desperately. You wanted nothing more than to let Tony know that you loved him. You wanted no one else but him. You needed him.

"He's not here."

"What do you mean by he's not here?!"

You almost screamed at Bruce. He was shocked at your sudden outburts. You muttered an apology but Bruce seemed to understand when he sent you a smile.

"I think I should go, Y/N."

Bruce said, leaving you there. Your eyes were swimming with tears and you held back sob. You weren't sure what was going on with you but Tony managed to get you became an emotional wreck.

"I love you, Tony.."

You whispered and hoped that you get the chance to tell him that. He had a special place in your heart, and you could never replaced him with anyone else.

"I don't quite hear you, Y/N."

Your voice caught in your throat when you heard that voice. You looked around and a smile found its way to your face.

"Tony, I love you."

You said before taking four large steps towards him and crushed your lips against his. He kissed you back immediately, his arms snaked around your waist. When you pulled away, a grin was plastered on his face.

"I love you, Y/N."

You buried your face into his chest and sighed happily. He held you in his arms and smiled genuinely.

"I'm glad you're here with me."

He said. Tony was afraid that you were going to let him down, as he was sure that you were in love with the Sorcerer Supreme and not with him. Guess he was wrong.

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