⭐ She Was Beautiful | Tony Stark

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I suggest you to listen to You Are Loved by Matthew Mole while reading this.


"Grandpa, can you please tell us a story?"

Ava tugged on Tony's sleeve, the five-year-old girl gave him her best puppy eyes. Tony smirked, he could never say no to this little girl.

"Please, grandpa. Tell us a story about grandma."

Tony chuckled when his grandson, Aaron climbed up the couch and sat in his lap. Ava nodded violently, agreeing with her twin.

"Yes, I love it when you tell stories about her. The stories are wonderful."

She clapped her hands and giggled. Tony nodded at his grandchildren and his mind started to refresh the memories of him and his beautiful and loving wife, Y/N.

"Your grandmother was the love of my life. She loves to smile, and that was one of many things that I loved about her..."

You smiled sweetly at the young boy that was in line to get your autograph. He complimented your writing and told you how much it inspired him to write. Your heart was warmed by his words and you gave him your sign on the front page of your book.

"Thank you, Will. Good luck in your writing!"

You said and handed him the book. You were an author, and today was a greet and meet session at the famous bookstore. Your book was a hit, and of course many people came to see you.

But you never knew that your book has captivated Tony Stark. And when he came, he knew he was doing the right decision to come here at the first place. Just by a glance, he knew you were going to a big part of his life.

"I'm a big fan of yours, Miss Y/N."

You looked up with a smile, but gasped when you saw Tony Stark was standing before you. You quickly stood up and shook his hand. A rosy blush creeped on your face.

"Well, I'm--- I'm honoured, Mr Stark."

Your voice. Your voice was like a spell that you casted upon him. A genuine smile appeared on his face. It wasn't just a meet and greet session, it was more for both of you.

It followed by Tony Stark asking you out on a date. And obviously you had your doubts, but his efforts to win your heart were undeniable. So you went on a date with him. Then, the second date. It didn't end there. No, you weren't his one night stand. Many dates followed after that. He showed you how much you meant to him. 

You were special, just by a glance he knew you owned a special place in his heart.

Ava smiled sheepishly, her eyes darted on her grandparents's portrait on the wall. She had to admit, her grandfather never lied. Y/N was really beautiful. Her smile was alive, even if it was just in a photo.

"She was beautiful from the inside and the outside. I want you both to become like her. Be a beautiful person with a beautiful heart and soul."

Tony advised, Ava and Aaron nodded at his words. A sigh escaped his lips when he remembered how beautiful his wife was. Aaron poked his arm, urging him to continue with his story.

"She's a sensitive person, you know.."

You were on your way to meet Tony, your boyfriend, when you saw a homeless person on the street. Her clothes was torn and she seemed like she didn't eat for days. You were making your way towards her when your phone buzzed.

"Hi honey. I'm here."

You smiled at Tony's message and replied to him that you would be in the restaurant in another few minutes. That was because it wasn't too far from where you were standing. You were almost there.

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