⭐ Love Doesn't Age | Tony Stark

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Requested by @pippaisgoals
Thank you for requesting!

You didn't say who do you want me to write about so I decided to write about Tony! He seems the most suitable character for these prompts:

11. "You're too young for me."
16. "I know there is a difference in our ages, but who cares? My heart has no idea how old your heart is."


"What a wonderful surprise. Or should I say, a beautiful surprise?"

Tony said, as you walked into the tower. His eyes gazed into your beautiful orbs, almost drowning in them but he quickly composed himself. You chuckled softly and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around your small frame, a genuine smile was plastered on his face. A warm feeling wrapped his lonely heart, knowing that you were close to him.

"I am beautiful, no need to remind me of that."

You joked. Tony grinned at your remark. He nodded and you both walked into the living room. You sat on the couch, followed by the billionaire. His eyes never left you, as his mind was thinking about how beautiful you were.

Tony had always thought you as more than a friend. You and him didn't see each other frequently because of work but everytime you met, his heart always leap in joy. You managed to brighten his day with your smile, and your laughs could lift up his spirit in a jiffy. Needless to say, he was so in love with you.

But there was one thing, it stopped him from loving you. He was so different, he was older than you and you were a young beautiful lady who deserved a better man. He made so many mistakes in life until he thought that he didn't deserve a perfect partner like you.

"We haven't seen each other for two months! I've missed you."

You said, making him chuckled. Your heart fluttered at the sound of his laughs. He wiggled his eyebrows and you snorted.

"Stop it, Tony!"

He stopped and looked at you with a gigantic grin on his handsome face. Oh, how you missed those brown orbs looking in your eyes!

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I've been really busy."

He said, guilt tugged on his heart. You frowned and put your hand on his, assuring him that everything was alright.

"Forgive me, Tony. I didn't mean to make you feel bad! I'm busy, as well. I have at least three meetings this week, only today I finally got time to see you."

You told him. Tony's lips curled into a smile at your rambling. He squeezed your hand and gazed at your pair of gorgeous eyes. A rosy blush creeped on your face, and you couldn't hide it. Tony stiffened slightly when you put a hand on his cheek, caressing his face in adoration.

But he immediately relaxed when your touch felt so right on his skin. The look in your eyes was hypnotizing, he felt as if you brought him into another world. There was only you and him. You had buried your love for him so deep in your heart and you couldn't deny it any longer. If you do, your heart would weep forever.

"I love you, Tony."

Without any second thought, you let him know about your feeling. For a moment, you smiled but when he took your hands in his, a frown took over your face. His touch wasn't loving, it was consoling.

"Y/N, I can't love you."

His words were like knives stabbed into your fragile heart. You pulled your hands out of his grasp, tears pooled in your eyes. Tony caressed your face, his watery eyes bored into yours.

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