⭐ Why Are You So Tall? | Loki

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Requested by @Kittie_lover05
Thank you for requesting!

Based on prompts:
13. "You're too tall it's hard for me to kiss you."
14. "Oh, look at you! So adorable."


You've always wanted to date someone who was tall, you found height as an attractive quality in a partner. But you never realised that dating a man who was more than a foot taller than you wasn't a good idea sometimes.

Loki was very tall and that was the first thing you noticed about him, besides his cheekbones. It was cute, really. You were way shorter than him and it made him feel the need to protect you.

He thought that your height was suitable for him. It was a comfortable way for him to leave a kiss on your forehead and everytime you hugged him, your head would be on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

Everyone thought that you and Loki were made for each other. Loki was there for you, always helping you to reach for something that was out of your reach. Cuddling was always perfect for both of you. That was a bonus.

But after two years of being together, you felt the mischief that Loki contained in his chest was finally getting out. Loki thought it was fun to see you struggling to take something that was higher than you could get. You would ask him for help and he thought that was adorable.

You made him feel like he was needed. He was important to you.

But today you didn't feel to ask for his help. You were looking for your favourite mug when you realised that Loki has placed it on the highest rack of the cupboard.

"Did he do it on purpose? Yes, he did."

You mumbled to yourself and rolled your eyes. You could imagine Loki laughed at you if you asked for his help. As much as you loved to hear his laughs, you weren't feeling to be laugh at this morning.

"Oh, Loki.."

You gritted your teeth and crossed your arms against your chest. You knew Loki loved when you came to him and asked for help. Well, not today, Laufeyson.

You shook your head and you were determined to get your favourite mug by yourself. You started to step on the chair, and made your way upon the marble kitchen counter. You were balancing yourself and a proud smile found its way on your face.

Loki was awake, and he was watching you silently from the doorway. An endearing little grin was painted on his handsome face. He found it amusing to see his girlfriend of two years trying to reach for her mug all by herself.

"Are you alright, Y/N?"

You almost jumped and lost your balance when you heard his voice. Loki's eyes grew wide when he thought you were falling. But you regained your composure and perched yourself more securely on the countertop. Loki gave you a small smile.

"I'm fine, Loki. Perfectly fine."

You said, trying to reach for your mug again. You were grinning when you thought that you almost get it but then you failed. A groan escaped your lips and you could Loki's chuckles.

"Let me help you, Y/N---"

"No, I can do it by myself."

You hissed through your gritted teeth. You stood on your tiptoes and tried to reach for your mug. You never thought that you would lose your balance.

"Love, I think it's better if you come down."

Worry started to wash over Loki when he saw you struggling there. He knew you would fall. He just knew it.

"Y/N, careful!"

Just as he said it, you got your mug in your hands. A scream escaped your mouth when you noticed that you were losing your balance and you were falling from the countertop.

Loki rushed over to you and luckily you fell into his arms rather than on the cold hard floor. Loki felt his heartbeat almost stopped when you were falling. You looked at him and tightened your grip on the mug. Your head was on his chest, and you realised his heart was beating rapidly against his chest.

"Loki, you can put me down now."

You said, a guilty smile spreaded on your face. Loki nodded weakly and let you stood up on your own. He took the mug from your hands and put it on the counter. You felt Loki's arms wrapped around your waist and he kissed your forehead.

"Oh, Y/N.. Please don't scare me like that again."

He wasn't ashamed to admit that he was scared. He was scared when you were falling. What if you get hurt? What if he didn't catch you in time?

"I'm sorry, Loki.."

You were still in shock as well but you felt guilty for making your boyfriend worried about you. All of that just because of a damn mug.

"I love you, do you know that? Don't do that again, Y/N."

He said worriedly. You nodded like a scolded child. He sighed when you smiled at him. You were unharmed, that was all mattered.


"Yes, love."

You bit your lip and you were blushing crimson at him. He smirked, as if he was reading your mind.

"You're too tall it's hard for me to kiss you."

You said innocently. Loki laughed and shook his head at your words. You poked out your bottom lips.

"If you want a kiss, you have to work for it. Just like how you almost hurt yourself for a mug."

He said smugly. You wanted to roll your eyes so bad but you held back. You stood on your tiptoes and tried to kiss his lips. But as usual, you managed to kiss his jaw.

Loki held back his laughter but he failed to hide his grin. You hit his arm playfully and tried to pull him down towards you.

"Oh, look at you! So adorable."

He chuckled. You glared at him before pulling his shirt to pull him down. You stood on your tiptoes and snaked your arms around his neck.

Victory was yours when your lips met his in a passionate kiss. Loki wasn't able to resist the kiss and he lifted you up, your legs wrapped around his waist. His tongue was asking for entrance but you quickly pulled away, a smirk was dancing on your kissable lips.

Loki's eyes darken with lust and you giggled. You rested your forehead against his and sighed.

"I'm adorable, am I?"

You asked and licked your lips. Loki knew you were teasing him, challenging him to do more and more to you.

"Yes, you are. Now let's continue what we were doing."

He said before claiming your lips one more time with his. You smirked in the kiss. You were glad you dated a tall man like him. Dating a taller boyfriend definitely had it perks.


i'm only about 4'11 and if i stand next to loki he would looks like a giant to me 😂
where is my shorty squad at?

wow there are so many requests i wasn't expecting that. but thank you for requesting i might take some time to do it all. please be patient with me :)

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