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You know the drill. Every day I struggle to get to my school. My house to school travel time is one thing, the traffic jam is another. But it's completely different when your bus driver has anger management issues and proceeded to brawl another driver in the middle of the highway. I had fun watching this street fight since I'm in the front seat, but deep inside I know I'll get screwed once again. One and a half hour late.

"I'll get scolded by Macho Steel again..." I muttered while panting and running in the hallway all at the same time.

I drifted in the corner, still maintaining my full speed. But unfortunately, a girl with the same speed as mine, who have this toast hanging on her lips, was running towards my direction. A head-to-head collision happened!

I can’t see anything. It’s because the buttery toast was slammed to my face. When I removed the sticky breakfast, I realized that my face is now full of butter.

“Aauuuu…” There was a soft cry in front of me. It sounded like a Japanese girl’s moan in some dirty anime.

And guess who. It’s Tiara. I think I’m being tested by fate.

She was covering her head with both of her hands due to excruciating pain. Because of the said impact, she was sitting on the ground, so I accidentally saw her panty.

“M-Mister Alaric?” She finally realized it was me.

“H-Hello, Tiara…”

“I-I’m so sorry that I bumped you!” She immediately stood up and pulled a white handkerchief, and attempted to wipe my buttery face.

“I-It’s okay.” I softly slapped her hand away from me and pulled my own handkerchief. I cleaned my messy face on my own. “Let’s go, Macho Steel...errr Mister Kent will be yelling at us.”


It's convenient that we're already in front of our classroom, and no one heard us colliding on each other's heads. We hurriedly opened the door and saw Macho Steel glaring at us as if he was waiting. It seems like he used his x-ray vision to detect his unpunctual students coming. He has these hands on his waist as if he's showing off his huge biceps. Maybe he's really Superman.


I reasoned out that I woke up early and just unlucky to be caught in a traffic jam and in a road rage, which is totally true. But still, my excuses are unpardonable. Meanwhile, Tiara's justification is that she has this 'part time job' during the night, so she overslept. But unlike mine, Macho Steel unfairly accepted the woman's explanation!

Gender equality my ass.


We went to our respective seats and the class went on. Macho Steel's lectures about math are sure boring, so I got myself spinning my pen in my hand just to survive this hellish hour that seems like an eternity. I had a side glimpse of Tiara, who is somewhat uncomfortable on her seat. She's just slowly shaking her body, and her face looked pale.

Then there was this loud roar. All the students and our teacher got startled, wondering if there's an earthquake. But there isn't. I'm the only one who knows the source of that uproar.

It's Tiara's tummy. I'm the nearest person to her and know for sure that she missed her breakfast because of me. I feel slightly guilty for her flying toasted.

I reached a pack of biscuit on my bag and carefully watched her face and wondered what she would look like. She noticed me and got her puppy gold-brown eyes fixated on the biscuit. She observed every movement I made from cracking the biscuit from entering my mouth, chewing it, and gulping it down. She really looks like a dog wagging her tail for some food right now, and I know she's telling me to toss some for her.

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