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That previous hot spring chapters gave us a huge leap towards our main goal.

Why? Because we are finally able to capture a Cursed Guardian. Drex Brynheim, the giant maceman, will be our road to discover all the secrets of the New Order. Right now, he is confined in the Kozukata Shrine, in a cage full of anti-curse seals. He won’t be able to escape. Amy will conduct interrogations once she replenished her <Royal Imperative> ability.

Anyway, the destruction of the wall was no-one’s fault, at least it’s what all normal people believe. Eyewitnesses stated that there is a gigantic tornado that shredded the wooden wall, and it was purely a fortuitous event. So the girls in our class didn’t hold the boys in contempt. Nobody is getting suspended.

But there is another trouble.

Divina, our class representative was in front, and the whole class was conducting an open trial. It was currently our homeroom, but Macho Steel allowed the girls to emphasize the issue on hand.

Divina slammed a notebook on the teacher’s desk. “It’s true that everything happened about the hot springs is purely an accident, but… We cannot overlook the fact that the guys conducted a disgusting votation! That’s right! This is the Cutie Poll that was seized in the men’s locker room!”

Every man in this classroom was astounded. All of us tried to hide our faces by bowing our heads.

Divina continued furiously. “I know that this malicious act is not punishable by our school rules, but this is an insult to femininity! Especially that all guys participated and they left harsh comments! And… And… I got zero votes at all!”

So that’s why she’s emphasizing this small issue. I was about to laugh, but I managed to suppress myself. I only gave a mouth fart.

“We girls just want justice,” Divina said. “We will not provide for punishment as long as the ringleader of this cursed notebook reveal himself.”

Everyone was silent. None of the girls know who did it, but all the guys know who. We just don’t want to sell our comrade, because he is the author of the greatest book. The Cutie Poll is a blessing and a curse, and it holds power greater than the Necronomicon, Akashic Records, and Fifty Shades series combined.

Oh, Andrew wrote the Cutie Poll.


A brief flashback.

I remembered what Andrew said before the morning started. He swallowed up his whole pride and prostate to me.

“I beg you, Ric, please hear my request. The class will have a trial about the holy notebook that was seized during our field trip. I’m planning to voluntarily surrender myself so that I will retain my dignity and honor as a man. But that would mean I have to shave my head! I don’t want that!”

I don’t get the logic, but I let him continue anyway.

Andrew cried. “So to prevent me from shaving my head, I ask you to pretend that we are co-authors of the Cutie Poll! Surrender yourself, and tell them that you will shave your head too! With your charisma as a heartthrob, the girls will be affected by reverse psychology and they will stop us from shaving our head! That’s my brilliant plan!”

I don’t get the logic either.


Back to the present, where our classroom is dead silent. It’s been half a minute and every man is testing the girls’ patience.

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