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“I’m sorry, Ric…” Amy smiled with her eyes watery.

“Why… Why...”

“It’s the only way to win. The <Song of Salvation> can grant the caster’s wishes in exchange for her soul. This is the toll for me warping the reality. This is the fate that no one can avoid.”

“...Necchan…” Tiara closed her eyes and started to cry. Seeing this, my eyes unleashed tears that I failed to contain.

I can’t accept this! She gave us a massive power boost, revived the dead, healed the wounded, and purified those who are cursed. Our future has been saved… But what about Amy!? Is she the only one who will suffer the consequences!?

“Don’t cry, you idiots.” Amy laughed with a satisfied smile. “It’s a good trade. All lives were saved and we won the war against the Cursed Guardian for the price of only one life. If it wasn’t for me, this fields will be filled with crosses right now. None of you would have survived. I know that you would do it too if you were me.”

Still, this is unjust! I will never accept this! Come on, Alaric! Think!

“...No, Amy...No! I can’t accept this! You told me that you wanted to build a family with your loved one and make a business! You still want to do that, aren’t you!? You need to embrace your dreams! I’ll never let you go away!”

“My soul will be mixed in the universal stream and forever be frozen. My existence will be erased. This is a nonnegotiable toll that I am willing to pay.”

I made a deep breath, trying hard to suppress my weeping. I clenched my right hand and held my chest with my left. This painful burning sensation is worse than death itself.

“...Amy!” I jumped to her and hugged her tight, without any intention of letting her go.

“Don’t cry that hard, Ric.” Amy’s voice is now shaky. “Hearing you being overly dramatic makes me want to weep too.”


“...Ric… I would be lying if… If I said that I would never be sad…” Amy’s tears dropped on my shoulder. “...If possible… I want to spend more time with you… I wanted to marry you, at least… and give you a great family… I wish we could accomplish our dreams together...and watch the Aether Crusade grow members… I wish…”

Amy’s hand caressed the back of my head as she hugged me tighter than it was ever been.

I felt the warmth of her fast beating heart. I memorized the pattern of her breathing. I closed my eyes to savor the sensation of her love.

As I stay with her like a baby, Amy gazed upon the Aether Crusade members. All of them had their eyes filled with sorrow and an endless stream of sadness engulfed their soul.

“Necchan…” Tiara muttered.

“Tiara. It feels good to be your friend. I may have not told you this, but our fight is over. My love story with Ric, it’s long finished. I already had a happy ending with him in all other timelines. Now it’s your turn. Please take care of him from now on…”

“...I…” Tiara held her chest as if she’s about to suffocate. “I… I will… With determination… I… I will do it… I will keep my promise...”

Next, Amy turned to Heushac. His eyes are empty, but his clenching fist makes it clear that he’s disappointed that we can’t do anything to save her.

“Heushac… even though we don’t really get along, let me tell you this. You’re a great friend. You’re the most reliable one in this group. You may not think of it, but you’re already strong enough to fill in the role of your sister. Please continue to become the Aether Crusade’s sword.”

“...I… I accept your offer… Jeannette.” Heushac bowed.

Then Amy turned to Key. Key is usually a poker face, but you can see in her eyes that it was filled with sorrow. And now, she’s projecting a frown.

“You finally learned how to control your facial expressions. You should smile more, Key. You’re the cutest baby of this group. Never lose hope in your life. The Aether Crusade will save you when that day comes. Trust in your friends and allies even if you don’t believe in yourself.”

“...Thank... You… Miss Jeannette.”

Amy glanced at Kristoff. For the last time, the way she looked at him was a passionate one. This may be the first time I ever saw them had some connection that is not mixed with bitterness.

“Kristoff… If you were not such a jerk, I….” Amy silently laughed. “No, nothing… I just wanted you to say thank you… for being there for me. You’re the one who taught me how to protect everyone. I was here thanks to you… And I’m sorry if I treated you like a turd… Anyway, you should settle your things with Naomi. You guys are cute together…”

“Yes…” Kristoff turned away to hide his gritting teeth and tearful eyes. “I promise I’ll fix my relationship for my future family…”

Amy scanned the remaining uncalled faces.

“You guys… Everyone… Thank you for lending me your strength. Especially you, Ayano. You had a large contribution to the growth of this group. Please continue to guide Aether Crusade when I’m gone.”

“I will…” Ayano held her soft arm and cried.

“Drex, thank you for cooperating. If it wasn’t for you, the investigation team would have a dead end on this case. It’s all thanks to you that we are able to pinpoint the enemy base. Emily and Benedict, thank you for letting us borrow your powers. We may have a short time together, but I’m glad that I was able to work with you two.”

Gate Guardians from the other groups started to gather on us. They all shared empathy in this painful goodbye.

Suddenly, Amy’s body slowly converted into tiny glitters of light. Her feet are no more! Seeing this, I hugged my first love tighter than before. I closed my eyes. I don’t want to see her disappear!

“No! No! NO!!! Amy!!”

“Ric,” Amy said in a motherly voice. “Open your eyes.”

...I had to obey. I have to see her face one last time. Now, her lower body has been erased from existence.

“I will always be with you, Ric. My body, my heart, and my soul might disappear, but my memories with you will stay in your heart. Please treasure these memories. I may have lied a lot to you, but those happy things that we’ve done, and all the feelings and emotions that I gave to you… Those are all true. Please remember that I have always loved you. I will forever be.”


Our lips collided for our final kiss. I closed my eyes for the last time and turned my full attention for this sad yet blissful sensation.

Her gelatin-like lips are filled with sweetness and purity.

If only I could stop time and be like this forever…

But no.

The moment I opened my eyes, she was no longer there.

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