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Using my <God Core Assimilation>, Helena and I traded God Cores. The rule on this sibling battle state that Helena can choose three God Cores and Helena opted to use the powers of Zeus, Vishnu, and Odin as she has mastery of those three.

And now, their battle is about to start. We all watched in the corner as we cheered for our gutty hobo friend. Good thing I still have this fresh apple in my pocket. I can have a snack while watching this magnificent battle.

The eastern wind blew. Heushac’s tattered black cloak swayed, together with the white ribbon tied on his wrist. His gaze is focused only on his sister; his opponent. He drew his rusty buster sword, preparing for a centered swordsman stance.

Meanwhile, Helena has this empty expression on her eyes. She looks exhausted. There are grazes and bruises all over her body. She may be tired from our last battle, but she can still use the energy of the three God Cores she possesses. Even Heushac with Key-chan’s <Evo Armor> wouldn’t be a match against her.

So it all settles down to what Heushac has been training for months.

Helena reached her chest, and her body glowed. “<God Core: Zeus, Vishnu, Odin, Ascension>!!!”

Her black knight armor with red cape emerged, fully utilizing the power of three divine beings. Her mechanical arm enlarged to threefold and shapeshifted itself to claws with long fingers.

“Haaaaaa!!!” Heushac made a reckless charge to the divine being. He swung his heavy sword from left to right, aiming for his sister’s chest.

But Helena didn’t even budge. She’s using the <Perfect Protection> of Vishnu, which renders all attacks useless. All that resulted from that attack is a loud clang.

“I can’t believe that you’re so stupid to fight me with that pitiful strength of yours.” Helena frowned. And then she used her sword to make an uppercut slash, ready to rip Heushac’s guts.

In the nick of time, Heushac managed to block the attack with his sword, but the godly strength of Helena blew him off.

“Gah!” Heushac cried as he rolled on the floor. Heushac is already beaten up after catching that strong shockwave from a single sword swing from his sister.



“<Merlin’s Garden>!!!” Lord Freyr stabbed his sword to the ground, and beautiful rainbow flowers emerged that unleashed healing dust particles. He’s exerting all his prana to replenish the four goddesses strength and health as if he’s readying for another fight in case Heushac failed.

I looked at the God of Kings, and he looked at me back. He shrugged his shoulders as he reasoned out. “What? I have to make sure.”

"...Rikkun…” I gave him a troubled look. “You should put more trust in your friend. Mister Heushac may be losing, but you should honor their decision.”

“I’m just making insurance,” Freyr said with a smile. “It doesn’t mean that I don’t have trust in him.”

“You should stop worrying.” It was the monotonous voice of Key-chan.

“Yes, Key-chan is right.” I made an angry stare at my boyfriend. “Mister Heushac will win, no matter what!”

Lord Freyr ignored me and proceeded to converse with Key-chan instead. “How can you say so?”

“It’s because Heushac’s hidden power is now on par with Helena.”


Heushac struggled to stand up with his shaking knees. But he still has this smile on his face, as if he’s enjoying the fear, the pain and the overwhelming difference in strength.

“Baby brother… This battle ends now. I shall grant you eternal peace.” His sister maintained that pitiful glare.

Helena’s blade arced up, ready to slice her brother’s throat. But then…

“It is true that I am no match against you, who have the power of three gods. But…” Heushac revealed his hand that has been burning with a black flame. He reached his heart with such burning limb, and a single pulse echoed in the area. “But… If you’re a god, then I shall go way beyond that!”

Heushac’s warcry made an explosion that pushed Helena a meter back.

“<Void Art: Anti-God Creation - Surtr>!!!”

A huge dark flame exploded from below Heushac’s feet, and the next time we know it, he’s now an entity that can match divine powers.

Flame dust flickered as he revealed his existence. He’s now a four-meter giant, with a burning broadsword dragged by his left hand. His face is a skull mask with two devilish blue horns that replaced his ear. His entire body is covered in magma as if he’s the personification of hell itself. He has giant dragon wings that are capable of blowing a house in a single flap. His speared tail can pierce an elephant’s skin with ease.


Heushac/Surtr’s shout made a low-magnitude earthquake.

“Baby brother…” Helena cried with tears of joy as she finally saw the strength of her younger sibling. It gives a wide smile on her face.

“I’M NOT A BABY ANYMORE!!!” Surtr immediately swung his sword due to rage, and it made a crescent flame shockwave directed to his sister.

But the <Perfect Protection> rendered the attack useless.

“You seem worthy enough for this!” Helena laughed as she readied her sword to stab the air. “<Positron Burst>!!!”

A bubble barrier buffed with electricity covered Helena’s body as she charged towards the flaming giant. Her sword immediately shaped itself to match Gungir’s appearance.


When there are only two meters left between them, Helena made a vicious stab attack, not holding any energy back, and it all aims to her brother’s heart!

“<Muspell Slash>!!!” Surtr breathed fire on his buster sword. As soon as it was enchanted with his flame and bad breath, he clashed with the divine spear!

An explosion matching those of a hydrogen bomb made the earth tremble.

Both siblings were pushed back from the point of impact. Helena is still well and fine with her barrier active, while Surtr is now heaving due to the wound he suffered on his left chest. Black blood oozed from it.

That was so close. It was just pure luck that the wound missed Surtr’s heart.

“That was disappointing, baby brother.” Helena frowned. “I thought you can land a hit on me if you powered up. I’m still here unscratched. But hey, at least you withstood the full power of three gods.”

Surtr breathed heavily three times before he made an arrogant answer to his sister. “I told you before, didn’t I? I’ll be stronger than you. If you become a god, I’ll match it. If you have the power of three, then I’ll surpass it myself!”

The flame giant roared once again, and this time, a flame geyser enveloped his whole body. The red stream of flames slowly transformed from red to green, and then from green to blue.

“<Void Art Overload>!!!”

When the fire stream faded, he has now attained a power that is way beyond a mythical god.

His magma flames are now blue, and instead of rocks, his skin is now covered with unmeltable adamantine steel. His skull mask shaped like those of a dragon and his wings is now like of an angel, albeit covered with blue feathers. Every gap of his steel armor breathes blue flames. And now, he’s equipped with a metallic shield in the shape of the skull of a bull.

His eye sockets and mouth unleashed uncontrollable blue flames that left a glowing streak every time he moves.

“Baby brother…” Helena stood in awe.

“How many times do I have to tell you, big sis…” The Blue Surtur unleashed ten-thousand-degree celsius flames from his body as he released his rage in one shout. “I'M NOT A BABY ANYMORE!!!”

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