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There’s roughly a week before Helena’s Return. Eliseo is doing great on her <God Chains> training without anything interrupting his mind. Key-chan, Asumi-nee, and Miss Emily are also doing their best to perfect the spell that could possibly defeat Helena.

Regarding Heushac, I don’t know what he’s been up to. For the past week, he’s been skipping classes just to overwork himself on his special secret training. Even the others have no idea what that training could be, but he said that everything will be fine.

I’m also working hard to be strong. I have completely mastered how to trigger my <Demigoddess Mode> and practiced <God Core Assimilation> spell on our goddesses. Last time, I managed to snatch three God Cores from Helena. With the help of everyone this time, I think we can do it for sure.

For this day, my very own boyfriend is facilitating my training.

We’re inside the wide hall of the shrine. The wooden floors of it are now wet because of our dripping sweat. Rikkun is equipped with boxing pads, and I’m punching them with my boxing gloves. He’s been tutoring me effective ways on how to infiltrate defenses for two hours now.

“Let’s do it again,” Rikkun said as he circled the pads in front of my face like a taunting mantis. “Assault Pattern Delta.”

“What’s Assault Pattern Delta again?” I lowered my boxing stance and tilted my head.

“Did I just waste two hours for teaching you something that you would forget immediately anyway?” Rikkun hit his own forehead with the pad. “Rush! Body! Body!”

“Y-Yeah, I remember it now!” I raised my gloves.

I did the assault pattern something. I ducked while still in guarding position, and rushed towards my trainer. In the nick of time, Rikkun positioned the pads to guard his kidneys.


Bam! Bambam! I made three consecutive swift hooks hitting his boxing pads. Then, he jumped back to gain distance.

“Again!” Rikkun shouted.


Bam! Bambam! I made the same punching combination! This time, I made it powerful, so Rikkun flew and crashed to the wooden wall of the hall.


“R-Rikkun!” I cried as I rushed to my battered lover. I immediately removed the punching gloves and used <Healing Touch> on his aching back. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”

“It’s fine. You’re doing good. Use <Ananta-Shesha Fury> together with that technique, and you’ll defeat Helena for sure. Ahahahaha…” Rikkun forced a laugh. But his stare at me is telling me that he won’t be training me like this ever again.

When he’s completely healed, I helped him remove the boxing pads on his hands.

“L-Let’s take a break…” I said.


We sat on the cliff of the waterfall of the shrine (the one which he peed) while enjoying the music of the loud splashing water from below. The skies are blue, and the morning sunlight never stings at the moment. It’s quite windy that it makes me want to sleep, especially that my loved one is beside me.

I leaned on his shoulder as I closed my eyes and savored the romantic moment. His hands crawled unto mine and locked to each other. The warmth of his palms never fails to remove the coldness of my fear.

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