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“Hah! So what if you have attained divinity?” Helena shouted as she tried to conceal her illogical fear. “A half-assed goddess like you doesn’t stand a chance against me and my six God Cores!”

We both know that it’s the truth. But still, I won’t give up. She may still have around twenty God Core Release spells stored, but I have my own willpower to do this!

I materialized my staff on my hand and spun it to my left and right. With my steel gauntlets destroyed, I have no choice but to use offensive spells with my remaining weapon!

“<Shenlong Drive - X10>!!!” I waved my staff, and as I tapped the tip of it to the ground, ten golden portals appeared behind me. Each of those Gates became the gateway to ten golden serpents which rushed to Helena!

“<Zeus’ God Core Release: Judgment Lightning>!!!” Helena stabbed her sword to the ground, and a lightning storm formed in the skies. Each of my energy dragons got neutralized by the overwhelmingly powerful lightning that struck them!

“Raaaagh! How can you match my power!” Helena roared. “I’ll finish this! <Odin’s God Core Release: Judgment Spear>!!!”

Helena launched her mechanical spear hand to me, but on time, I have blocked it with my spell!

“<Tarrasque Guard - X10>!!!” Ten astral shells materialized in front of me and stacked themselves to block the holy spear of the almighty Norse God. The sound of shattering glasses echoed!

But her power is not enough. <Judgment Spear> only destroyed seven of my energy shells, and there are still three more active.

“I’m not finished yet!” Helena yelled once again. “<Freyr’s God Core Release: King’s Judgment>!!!”

Before she could charge her next spell, I made a fast counterattack!

“<Magnum Boost - X10>!!!” In a swish of the wind, I have already closed the distance! I ducked and went under her as we stared on each other’s eyes! It was just a brief moment, but I can feel her fear of my newfound power!

“What the-”

Bam! Gauntlet-less, I made a swift punch with my left, but it was what I thought. She’s still protected by her <Perfect Protection> as Lord Vishnu, so there is only one thing I can do!

“<Void Art: God Core Assimilation>!!!” With my right palm, I channeled a dark hole which absorbed her invisible barrier as well as one of her treasured God Core of Vishnu!

“DAMN YOUUUU!!!” Helena raised her sword, and smashed it to my neck!

In the nick of time, I channeled the energy coming from the God Core of Vishnu to create a <Perfect Protection> myself! And that invisible barrier saved me from being chopped off!

Clang! Helena’s sword was launched to the air. This will be my new opportunity!

“One more! <God Core Assimilation>!!!” I made a gentle palm straight to her face, and created another mini black hole!

There was an explosion. Helena and I were launched up in the air, but the enemy knight retained her balance. I didn’t, so I had myself rolling on the ground.

I may have been put down, but I won that exchange of blows. Floating in my right hand is a white ball of light that once belonged to Kristoff… The God Core of Mercury!

“Just… Just four more…” I made a smirk as I wiped the blood from my lip. I may appear a lot more beaten up, but I’m getting the upper hand in the mental state. She's panicking. Once I stripped Helena out of her divinity, this battle will be over.

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