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My baby brother…

Happy Valentine’s Day!

I know you miss me a lot, and I’m sorry if I’m not able to approach you. Things are heating up, you see! I’m sorry if I can’t bake you a chocolate cake since we always celebrate our Valentines together in our house.

Anyway, if some girls confessed to you, give me their address! I’ll be sure to kill them for you and give you their heads once I come back!

Oh, you can call me on my old number! If you want to meet me, I’ll give you my address! Just call me!

From your loving sister.

Helena <3


“I…” Rikkun held his forehead as if he’s having a migraine. “...I don’t know if I find this letter romantic or funny or scary…”

“...There’s no human emotion that can match that one, Alaric.” Key said in a poker face.

I’ve lost all my words. That letter is certainly from Helena, but it feels like it was written by a psychopath. W-Well, Helena already acts like a psychopath these days considering she already killed one of our friends.

“Great!” Heushac shouted as he raised his fist. “I’m finally going to meet my sister! I’ll fight her and make her pay for his sins!”

“Fool!” Rikkun shouted. “Stop being so careless! Even if we can find her, we currently have no means of defeating her! She has five God Cores in total, and fighting in quantity would end up bad!”

I think I have an idea.

“I…” I held my chest. “I’ll sing the <Song of Time> so we can try our best while repeating everything!”

“You idiot! You want to become cursed and summon Shirayuki again!?” Rikkun answered back.

“Then I’ll sing the <Song of Salvation>!”

“We’ve talked about this. No singing until we completed the twelve God Cores, remember?”

“...Auu…” I cried. Now that all I can do won’t help our situation, I think I’m completely useless...

“I can fight her!” Heushac yelled as he clenched his fist.”

“You can’t. You’ll die.”

“I won’t! I never lose!”

“I think we already had this conversation before…” Rikkun made another facepalm. “Looks like a sedative won’t calm you down... Tiara, Key, hold him. I’ll just borrow an elephant tranquilizer.”


The next day, afternoon.

Rikkun and I decided to stay in our office in the Kozukata Shrine, searching for books, documents or spells on how to neutralize a Cursed Guardian that has multiple God Cores.

But there isn’t any. We can’t find anything that can fight five gods in one existence.

Helena is one of her kind. She’s the only one who can transform into different kinds of gods at once. Aeternos is different since he can only use fragments of God Cores to power up. And besides, Helena possesses the power of the three Primal Gods of three religions, so we expect her to be more powerful than Aeternos.

And Helena’s new cybernetic arm proves problematic. Aside from grabbing God Cores, we don’t know if it’s capable another absurd thing.

After an hour, we finally gave up and settled on our office desk.

“Looks like the <Heart of Light> is our only way to defeat her.” I said. “I mean, the <Heart of Light> is an anti-omnipotent sword, is it not?”

“...That’s right…” Rikkun muttered. “But if she can use the God Core of Mercury, she might be able to kill us both before I can draw the sword. The best way we can do it is to seal her with your Kozukata Arts spells.”

“R-Right! I’ll go ask Asumi-nee and Mister Atlas about that one!” I said as I pumped my fists.

“Great!” Rikkun said.

Suddenly, the door opened. No, it’s more of a slammed open. It revealed a pink-haired teenage girl in a black frilled maid dress, and she’s holding a pink box. It was Emily!

“M-Master Alaric Eisenhower!” Emily shouted as she bowed. Note that her face is full of red and she’s heavily panting. “It made me really hard to find you since I can’t enter your school, but finally I’m here! Please take my chocolates!”

“Get the hell out of here.” Rikkun coldly said.

“R-Rikkun!” I glared at him.

“Fine! Fine!” Rikkun yelled, trying to hide his horrified expression. “Just put it on the table.”

“I...I would be grateful if you taste it first.” Emily opened the box and presented her chocolate balls that look like Ferrari Rochet. I’m sorry, I don’t know how to spell that one.

“Let the trash can taste it.”

“Rikkun~” I smiled at him as I cracked my fists.

“Fine! Fine!” Rikkun immediately reached out one of the chocolate balls and made a small bite. “You should feel proud that I’m putting this garbage on my mouth.”

“Tiara, you try it too!” Emily said.

I grabbed one and made a crunch. It’s so delicious! The crumbled nuts made it crunchy and the chocolate milk is just in the right sweetness!

“This is so great, Emily!” I cheered.


“Not as great as Tiara’s cookies, but nevertheless…” Rikkun muttered.

“That’s great!” Emily said. “A-Actually, I came here to confess…”

“Again?” Rikkun frowned. “Get your chocolate and pack your things!”

“Rikkun!” I yelled.

“I-It’s not about love…” Emily bowed, hiding her eyes with her bangs. “I’ve given up my feelings long ago when you rejected me fifty-two times, Master Alaric. I just wanted to have a proposal...about my older sister.”

“Older sister?” Rikkun and I both tilted our heads.

“You already know her. You’ve fought her a couple of times already... Goddess Hel, remember?”

“Y-You’re relatives with her!?” Rikkun and I exclaimed.

“Y-Yes.” Emily smiled as she started to cry. “She’s Zenaida Teronette, my half-sister. We have the same father, but I’m a bastard. Her mother is a wealthy actress while my mother is a maid on their household. I think you already know where it all went wrong. Masters and concubine maids, something like that. My sister and I are not actually  in good terms, but I’m grateful that they let me and my mother continue serving them for our daily living.”

Rikkun had this curled eyebrows and chilling glare. “Look, I didn’t ask you to tell a damn flashback- Pwah!!!”

I punched him. He’s way too rude to the poor maid so I punched him. I’ll heal him later.

“I-I’m touched, Miss Emily!” I held her hand. “So what do you want to confess?”

Emily’s eyes were immediately fired up, filled with determination.

“I want to help you guys on the fight against Helena. I want to be useful especially to Master Alaric. I want to borrow my half-sister’s Goddess Core of Death.”

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