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Gate Guardian for Dummies page 8. Eidolons can possess a person and contaminate the mind of a person, and that unlucky one will be compelled to do malicious things. That is why when Gate Guardians see the signs (hollow eyes, and black liquid tears) he or she must open a Gate immediately.

The person on the bus is a possible victim of the Eidolon. If left undealt with, that person might conduct a deadly sin such as robbery or maybe sexual assault.


The bus continued to accelerate even if there's no one in the driver's seat. Actually, there's no one else around here, only Jeannette and I. The bus became faster until we reached a tunnel full of darkness. It became dark and impossible to see anything.

After half a minute, we're finally out of the tunnel. The scenery was never a way back to our home Mirose Grande. It is a freaking trip to the emo-world. Gigantic crimson moon, droughted land, withered trees, and a dead end at the top of the cliff.

The bus slowly stopped. Jeannette jumped out the door like those grade schools would do, and then she stretched her arms as she inhales the not-so-fresh air.

"It will be your first time to see me fight, right?" Jeannette smirked at me. "Let's do well!"

I looked at my wrist, then I looked at her. "I don't have any Weapon Gem on me. I can't use <Aero Twirl>."

"Here." Jeannette tossed a yellow diamond at me.

I focused my energy on my hand, and the Weapon Gem materialized as a revolver! Jeannette also had an extra Weapon Gem with her, and she materialized the same revolver at her hand.

"I'm a dual-wielding gunslinger by the way. I lent one to you because I don't want to see my childhood friend become Eidolon food."

Suddenly, from the end of that cliff, a gigantic arm emerged. It was followed by another hand, and then something big launched in the air!

When it landed, a six-meter-tall gorilla with the skin of an obsidian made an appearance! This monkey has muscular biceps in its long arms and gloriously built armored abs! This guy is king kong in crystal armor!

The Eidolon slammed its chests over and over that made a weak tremor in the earth, as it roared like Tarzan which echoed all over the place.

"I'll distract it. Try shooting it in all parts of its head." Jeannette said as she dashed forward with a wind-breaking speed!

The giant gorilla use its super strength to grab debris from the ground, and threw it to the blonde runt! The runt easily evaded the rock by strafing, still maintaining her speed. She may be a little slower that Tiara, but her small figure makes her harder to hit!

I fired the gorilla's head for about five times, but I only hit it twice. The recoil kicks like a horse, and I noticed that my energy is being drained by this gun. Weapon Gems that launches projectiles, such as this revolver, is entirely dependent on the user's prana and the mastery of projection. Using our energy, we create a bullet that will be used by the gun. That explains why this is so exhausting to use.

But Jeannette... She's on a different level! She has been spinning, waltzing and shooting the gorilla's body nonstop as if she's dancing gracefully in front of a deadly enemy! Her revolver fires like a machine gun! Her trigger finger is godly fast, and her prana supply looks bottomless!

The gorilla flinches every time Jeannette hits the monster's elbows, knees, and neck. I think those are its weak spots. I may be able to help with my spell!

"<Snowflake Shuriken>!" I launched a basin-sized snowflake, aiming for its neck!

It was a direct hit, and the gorilla's collarbone and chest have been completely frozen! This is Jeannette's opportunity to make a finishing blow!

"<Dance of Death>!!!" She shouted! Suddenly, she spun so fast as she raised her arms and move like a ballerina. While spinning like a fidget spinner, she used her feet, elbow, and hands to hit the enemy's head over and over! And then for the finishing blow, she flew up and made a drilling landing with a kick!

She was like a swan, full of grace and charm. She has been enveloped by tiny sparkling particles whenever she moves. This is the epitome of beauty.

The final attack made the Eidolon shattered to pieces, and a green orb emerged and followed Jeannette. She poked and played it while it was floating in front of her.

She was smiling adorably until she looked at me.

Her eyes were filled with fear. "R-Ric!" She shouted as she began running towards me.

I looked at my back and saw an eight-meter humanoid shadow that has a gigantic club. By the time I activated my <Presage>, it was too late. The club is now heading to smash my head!

I closed my eyes, afraid of what will happen.

Bam! There was a deafening blow, and ground shattered. When I opened my eyes, I was lying on my back, and Jeannette's face is just two centimeters away from me. Blood started crawling from her forehead, and it dripped to my hair.

"A-Amy..." I muttered.

"You okay?" She asked as if her wounds are not a great deal. That attack may have broken her skull, and yet, she still asks if I'm okay!?

The club has been lifted, and the creature holding it revealed its form. It was a humanoid ape, which is wearing tribal armor and uses a bull skull as its helmet. The club it used must be the femur of a mammoth.

"It seems like you're okay." Jeannette said. I noticed that there are these two cannons attached to her hips.

Suddenly, Jeannette hugged my head. Her twin cannons boosted, which made us hovering two meters away from the ground. We flew like a fast rocket until we're about twenty meters away from that Eidolon!

"I think it's my time to use my Guardian Ability." She said with optimism as she released me from her grasps. Her eyes glowed gold as she shouted out loud!

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