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Helena’s death imposed a lot of problems, and one of that is this house was left without a good cook. So from now on, we will not only fight against Eidolons and Cursed Guardians; we will now fight the world’s greatest enemy:


We have to live by ourselves from now on. This is survival.

This is hell.


Day 1 of Cookfest. Jeannette’s Turn.

It’s Monday evening, and Amy has been busy in the kitchen while Tiara, Heushac, Key, and I wait on the dining table.

“I-I’m sure Nette-Senpai’s cooking will be great! She’s our leader after all!” Tiara is filled with optimism.

“Agreed. She’s the only mature person in this group.” Key said in a monotone.

“Jeannette, eh? I haven’t seen her cook. As long as it’s tasty, it’s cool for me.” Heushac said.

I just kept my silence for a moment. I don’t have to use my <Presage> to predict the doomed things that will be happening.

“I’m sorry for the wait~” Amy blushed as she presented the dish.

Okay, the presentation is great. There’s a lot of dishes in here. It’s like a five-star restaurant where you will find leaves and other vegetables as an eye-candy. But there is a problem.

“This… These are all vegetables…” Heushac said.

“Right~” Amy smiled adorably. “Vegetables are the secret of beauty and longevity! That’s the reason why I am the most beautiful goddess of all!” She stated with her chin up.

“W-Well, if it’s tasty…” Heushac slowly grabbed an orange-colored lettuce and put it on his mouth. Suddenly, he blew out orange flames as if he’s a dragon! “This! This… is too spicy!”

“Koreans love their vegetable dishes hot, so I poured five jars of different spices~”

“Whaaaaaaaaat!!!” All of us shouted. Good thing I haven’t tried tasting it yet. Key and Heushac set their plates aside.

“B-But it’s tasty…” Tiara said. She’s just chomping down those vegetables even if her lips are now swollen red. This girl doesn’t care. If it’s edible, she’ll eat it without hesitation.

“Meat! We want meat!” Heushac cried like a nursery kid.

“Heushac is right. We’re not goats!” I backed my friend up. “You should stop being a vegan and eat protein so that your breast would grow bigger! Don’t always depend on your Goddess Core to look beautiful!”

“Y-You…” Amy bowed down, but I know she’s angry. She materialized her revolvers that made me want to take back what I just said. “You’re supposed to say ‘Thank You’ if someone cooks for you…and not to insult them...”

Then there were gunshots. Heushac and I ate bullets that night.


Day 2 of Cookfest: Tiara’s Turn

“Have any of you guys ever saw Tiara cooking?” I asked all of them. But they just shook their head. I guess this will be a fresh experience for us.

“Are you sure you want her alone in the kitchen?” Amy lazily said. “She might break some dishes and accidentally mix those shards into her soup.”

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