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The Four Goddesses are the most important people of this operation.

Standing on the farthest left is the Roman Goddess of Beauty. Her voluptuous body combined with her pinkish charming cheeks makes her the deadliest anti-male Gate Guardian around. It’s our one and only gay comedian Eliseo, in the form of Lord Venus.

Next to her is the Norse Goddess of Death. She has white and black wings, making her a hybrid of an angel and a demon. Half of her beautiful face is covered by a skull mask. She has alluring horns like those of a ram, and ferocious wolverine claws on her fists. She is our dear maid Emily, in the form of Lord Hel.

The Greek Goddess of Wisdom is just beside her. She’s a well-grown adult woman with white hair and red eyes. Her body is covered with a skin-tight bodysuit that has glowing computer circuits in it. Her Weapon Gem is now a futuristic bunny-ear headband that is capable of controlling those floating shield-like drones swirling around her. She is our homunculus gamer Key-chan, in the form of Lord Athena.

On the farthest side, however, is the Philippine Warrior Goddess of the Moon. She is wearing a golden fox mask that covers the upper half of her beautiful face. Unlike when we first fought, she’s now equipped with a tight black bodysuit with golden chest plate and spaulder armors. She is wielding a halberd that has a glamorous red orb on its blade. She is our one and only genius Asumi-nee, in the form of Lord Haliya.

The atmosphere around us is overflowing with divinity. This is the first time I’ve ever seen these many goddesses working together to defeat a single opponent.

But before the battle starts, they still have to do their catchy phrase.

Haliya led the goddesses as all four of them made a wacky pose. Then there was a cue background music that is similar to those children’s cartoons. Then the warrior goddess shouted: “Four Goddesses, ready for a rumble!”

“And make that quadruple!” Venus winked as she bent over.

“To protect the world from destruction!” Hel displayed her sharp claws.

“To unite the Gate Guardians to defeat the queen of devastation!” Haliya magically created a blue rose from her hand.

“To destroy the evils for the truth and love!” Venus made a flying kiss.

“To fly and reach the stars above!” Hel pointed at the dark crimson sky.

Then they made a roll call for their own selves as they made a wacky YMCA pose.

“Venus!” , “Haliya!” , “Hel!” , “...Athena…”

“Four Goddesses, ready to defeat Helena with the speed of light!”

“Surrender now, or we’ll fight till you have a good night!”

“...M-Meooooow…. T-That’s right…” Athena said in a bored yet embarrassed monotone.


Rikkun and I are speechless. Our eyes went wide and our jaws hanged for the duration of that introduction.

We often saw them practicing that parody line for two weeks. That delivery is supposed to be for comedic relief only. We didn’t really think that they’ll actually do it in front of Helena.

“Tiara.” Rikkun grabbed my attention. He’s currently holding his burnt left shoulder that got grazed by the deadly beam earlier.

“R-Right,” I said as I immediately used <Healing Touch X10> on his damaged body parts. My tenfold healing prowess will repair his torn flesh faster.

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