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As the gigantic silver fox yowled for the second time, the shattered white heavens have completely faded. It was now replaced by red skies and blood moon. It seems like we’re now in Yami.

This scenery is one of the most terrifying places I ever saw. There are erected wooden crosses everywhere in this dark loom soil that makes it look a lot more like a graveyard.

On top of that black hill, is the largest cross of them all. Tiara was still tightly chained on that cross. And the gigantic Eidolon is guarding the unconscious friend of mine.

“We can’t beat her with Void Spells alone.” The Outsider sighed and then pointed at the direction of the giant cross. “But I think it’s clear that we can do something about that.”

“She’s clearly trying to protect Tiara.” I muttered.

“The seal is still active, which means Tiara Hikari is the key in winning this.”

Suddenly, the nine-tails roared, and miniature sun-like orbs materialized from each of the tips of its tails. Those glowing flame balls released orange lasers targeted to our position!

The Outsider went in front again and deployed his shield. “<Prism Counter>!!!”

As the glowing sticks of light touched his shield, the lasers bounced to a random direction, completely remodeling the landscape of this place! Small canals formed around us, and some wooden crosses evaporated in no time.

“Alaric... “ The Outsider muttered. “You should reach Tiara at all cost.”

“You can count on me!” I smiled.

As soon as the lasers faded, I made an overhead jump on the Outsider. The Outsider then positioned his shield to become my ramp, and then cast another spell! “<Tachyon Blitz>!!!”

In an instant, we zoomed forward and halved the distance due to his extremely fast mobility spell! I used the momentum of the dash and my leg’s power to jump forward with a speed so fast enough that it can break the wind barrier!

“Useless!” The Eidolon telepathically shouted. Then the nine suns on the tails released another wave of lasers!

“<Void Art: Limbo Spiral>!!!” I positioned my katana forward, and it released a large crimson tornado drill around my whole body! This spell served as a cocoon that protected me from those wide lasers!

The silver fox had her red eyes widened as she saw that all her attacks are ineffective. “What foolishness! I will delete you from each and every timeline in all multiverse!” She angrily shouted.

The giant fox opened its mouth and released a humongous silver blaster! “<Chronos Termination>!!!”

I bravely dived forward to that strong attack, and it was the most regretful thing I ever made in this fight. My katana was vaporized by the blinding gigantic blaster! As soon as my sword crumbled and converted to dust, the crimson tornado that has been protecting me faded!

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