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Swarms of tentacles spawned upon the witch’s back. Her boots have been converted to hooves, and her forehead sprouted dark horns that looped like those of a ram. If Satan had a daughter, that should be her. Mia Springfield… No. Shub-Niggurath.

That name is too long to type so I’ll just call her Shub-san for the author’s sake.

“A God Core that came from Cthulhu Mythos…” Lord Freyr muttered in awe. “...You also contracted with the Outsider.”

“Glad that you already know, Former-Cthulhu.” Shub-san laughed.

“Tell me, what do you need with the God Core of Mars?” Lord Freyr said as he tightly gripped his sword, ready to attack at any moment.

“Nothing, really. Let’s just say it’s just a whim. Because I hate a certain someone’s singing.” She said as her crimson eyes locked onto me.

Do I really sing that bad!? Then I should quit the Idol Club! Wait… No… She must have been pertaining to me singing the <Song of Salvation>. She doesn’t want us to keep the Frozen Soul sealed.

“Let’s just skip this dialogue and fight already!” Shub-san laughed like a witch.

The next thing she does would be one of the grossest things ever. Are you ready to read it? Right. So Shub-san apparently opened her belly like a clam, and a black chunk of flesh dropped out. That black chunk immediately bulked up and grew bigger until it was twenty feet tall, and slowly reformed itself into a tentacle creature with five hooves, five mouths, and one gigantic eye!

That’s the weirdest C-section ever! I hid my face and puked in the corner!

The gigantic tentacle creature started to grab other smaller tentacle spawns and even unlucky Gate Guardians, and then it fed it to its mouths. The enigmatic aura of the monster became astoundingly horrifying as he converts its food to energy!

The tentacles also reached out to us, but Lord Freyr protected us by slashing all those nasty tendrils with his blinding sword slashes. “<Moonlight Waltz>!!!”

Swish! Swish swish! Several tentacles fell to the ground. Those severed limbs wiggled like worms before converting itself into ash.

The severed tentacles of the Great Dark Young regenerated immediately. Then it roared an inaudible whale-like sound.


“<Magnum Strafe>!!!” Kristoff unleashed a barrage of swift arrows to the gigantic Dark Young, but everything was absorbed as if he’s just hitting a slimy mud.

“Hahaha!” Shub-san laughed. “Attacks won’t work on him! My baby is invincible!”

“I won’t be so sure.” Lord Freyr said with a smirk. Then he gazed to me with a determined will to fight. I already know what he’s planning on his mind.

I nodded in affirmative. “It’s time to use it, right, Rikkun?”


Lord Freyr reached out his hand to my chest, and a golden Gate materialized. The platinum hilt of the sword slowly ascended from my heart. As he raised the blade up in the sky, the silver wind swirled upon him. The white diamond edge of the sword was engulfed with the golden aura of light, and I can hear the magnificent song of the goddess as he swiped the sword left and right.

This is our trump card, the sword of crystalized love from seven million timelines. The <Heart of Light>.

A gigantic pillar of light broke the skies as the God of Kings charge prana from the sword.

“Aether Crusade, I need your confirmation!” Freyr shouted.

Suddenly, a nostalgic voice came out from the sword. It was the voice of Jeannette Amiella Fontaine von Noctis.

“Permission Granted. Aether Crusade Judgment shall now start.”

Balls of light started to came out from our hearts and it was absorbed by the ultimate sword. The blade glows in gold as Jeannette’s voice mutter our last names.








“This will be the attack to purge all evil!” Lord Freyr reached out his hand, and a large bow that looks like a stag’s horn materialized. He charged the sword with that bow, preparing to launch it at full force!


“<God Core Release: King’s Judgment!!!”

A blinding arrow of light went straight to the gigantic Dark Young, and then there’s a blinding flash!

When the light faded, all the enemies ceased to exist. The giant heaps of flesh and its tentacles are no more. It’s like the giant Dark Young and its smaller spawns haven’t been here in the first place.

And surprisingly, all the Gate Guardians that was devoured earlier is here, completely well and fine.

Now, all that’s left is the enemy witch… on her humanoid form.

“It… It can’t be! I didn’t even get hit by the attack, but this… this is impossible!” Mia exclaimed. She was dumbstruck when he noticed that she’s no longer the horror god Shub-Niggurath! The special attack should have canceled out her Outer God Core and made her revert back to her base form. “Just how strong is that sword!”

“You have no idea how strong Tiara’s love is!” Rikkun said in his powered-down form. Since he already released his God Core, he won’t be able to attain divinity at this moment.

Hearing Rikkun talk about ‘my love’ makes me flustered. Surely, after this fight, I will show you the true power of my love, Rikkun!

“This is your end!” Rikkun shouted as he swung the <Heart of Light> and positioned himself in an assault sword position! “<Moonlight Slash>!!!”

Everything became black, but there is no silver streak.

When the light returned, everyone was fazed. Rikkun is already in front of the stunned witch, but he’s no longer holding the sword. I looked at my chest, and the Gate has been closed. Thirty seconds have passed since he withdrew the sword from my heart, so the only conclusion is that we were out of time.

“What the-”

“Running out of a weapon is a terrible thing to happen, Alaric Eisenhower.” The dark witch smirked.

Rikkun immediately drew his watch, which converted itself into a katana, but before he could make a slash, the enemy teleported!

Now we don't have a clue where she went.

“Where is the enemy?” Heushac asked as he went into the scene, together with Key. Some of his wounds have healed, so I think he’s ready to rumble again. “Did she escape?”

“She won’t be able to escape this mansion,” Kristoff said, readying his bow. “The lockdown of the Black Cross nullifies any teleportation spell to be cast to the outside the ice dome. She might appear anywhere. Stay frosty.”

Rikkun walked beside me and helped me stand up. Using the <Heart of Light> drains my energy a lot. I’m afraid I won’t be able to assist them in this fight except for minor healing.

“Kristoff, my dear!” All of a sudden, Naomi appeared. She’s waving her hand as she approached her soon-to-be husband!

“Naomi!” Kristoff ran to her.

“Get out of there, you two!” Rikkun shouted. He has his golden cross sigil on his irises glowing, which means that he is seeing a <Presage>!

A dark portal opened up to the unwary mother. It revealed the stripper witch, ready to smash Naomi’s head with her heavy ax!

“NAOMI!!!” Kristoff cried out loud as he reached for his love.

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