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"By the power of my <Royal Imperative>, I command you, Alaric Eisenhower, to stay awake!"

That was the words I heard before my eyes opened again. My vision is a bit blurry, but I can certainly see that it was Freya who's in front of me. But something seems off...

Did she also have Jeannette's <Royal Imperative>?

"Don't talk. Just breathe." Freya said.

I have to comply. I barely had the strength to have my eyes open. I can't waste any more energy. If I do, I'll be dead.

Suddenly, Freya pushed her face until our lips are just a centimeter away! I may be weak and partially blind, but I can still feel her warm breath! She smells like eucalyptus, and it's quite relaxing.

It was quite romantic... until she forced my mouth to open wide!

"<Breath of Life>"

She whispered as she closed her eyes. Then she exhaled glittering dust particles which rushed to my throat! It felt like those warm air is traveling through my veins, repairing my damaged body parts. The pain in my heart slowly fades away.

I noticed that Freya is slowly evaporating into tiny golden dust particles. That spell <Breath of Life> must be taking a huge toll from her prana pool. Those firefly-like dots started flying away from the beautiful woman's body as she revealed her true form.

She was a petite cute girl with the same blonde hair and purple eyes. She was wearing her signature twin ponytails. Her rosy cheeks and passionate stare made it clear that this woman named Freya is my childhood friend after all.

"Yes... I'm Freya..." Jeannette smiled with teardrops crawling on her face. "I'm sorry if I kept a secret from you too."

I knew it. I always feel Jeannette's aura on that beautiful goddess. It seems that this is the first time Lord Freya revealed her secret identity. Not even Tiara knew about it. Gate Guardians look at Lord Freya like a superhero after all.

"T-Thank you for saving me, Amy-... err... Jeannette." I smiled.

Jeannette turned away with a blush after hearing her old nickname. But her tsundere mode is still on. "Y-You're welcome. Just don't try acting like a kebab again. I don't have enough energy to perform another <Breath of Life>."

Jeannette is completely right. I will add "Never cast <Ether Switch>" on my New Year's resolution.


On the other hand, Tiara seems to be holding on her own. Her silver hair and fox tail gave her a massive power boost, maybe three to four times stronger and quicker. Every punch she releases makes a dimension-cracking shockwave that launches the black-cloaked assassin to the air.

"Haaaa!" Tiara made a swift right hook, aiming for the head, but the skull face used the flat part of its chainsaw broadsword to block the attack! However, the silver-haired shrine maiden's punch was so powerful that the assailant's ground was shattered and left a small crater in it!

The enemy made a counterattack by hacking his sword to several directions, forming like an asterisk, but Tiara effortlessly dodged all those slashes!

I can't believe that Tiara has the strength of a freaking school bus and the agility of Tinkerbell in that <Silver Fox Form>!

"So this is the power of the witch..." Jeannette muttered. I looked at her with a doubtful face and about to ask a question but then she laughed and stuck out her tongue. "D-Don't mind me, I'm just talking to myself!"

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