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We, the shrine maidens bravely stood up in front of the gigantic enemy like Power Rangers.

Asumi-nee, Ayano, and I pulled our pen-type hairpins which has a glowing Weapon Gem orb in it. We exerted our pranas to our jewelry and our ultimate weapons as a shrine maiden materialized.

My Weapon Gem is an assault rifle, AK-12 to be exact. This is one of my personal favorites in the gun category, especially now that it’s equipped with 300-round drum magazines. I wield two of these cute fellows to provide maximum firepower.

Ayano’s weapon is a machine gun, a PKP Pecheneg. There are boxes spawned all around her which should be the ammunition cases, but those are just for decors since we Gate Guardians make bullets with our own prana.

Asumi-nee has the most powerful of all. She has a .50 Caliber Minigun that is supposed to be mounted on a helicopter. I think it’s several tons heavy, but Asumi-nee is strong enough to carry the gatling gun on her petite shoulder.

“Are you guys really shrine maidens?” Eliseo commented as his jaw dropped.

“You’ll get used to it.” Rikkun smiled as he slapped in his fingerless gloves with diamonds attached on each. Then revolvers spawned upon his hands.

“Is that Jeannette’s Weapon Gem!?” Eliseo continued to be amazed.

“Yeah. She entrusted me with these bad boys.” Rikkun said with a smirk.

“Oh, so you wanted to join our fun, Alaric~” Asumi-nee said with enthusiasm. “You are a bonafide part of the Kozukata Shrine now! Let me baptize you and convert to our religion!”

“Shut up. Let’s do this!”

We four pointed our guns to the giant tentacle monster.

“<Kozukata Style: Pluribus Freedom>!!!”

Our combined shouts echoed all around the mountains.

Then, gunfires unleashed. At first, it was just slow like this:

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Bang Bang Bang!!!

Then our guns started to fire at a faster rate like this!

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!!!


When we and our guns reached the momentum, our gunshot noises started to overlap each other. It's something like this!


(Quality narration up here!)

“AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” Asumi-nee made a menacing laugh. “TAKE THAT YOU FILTHY SCOUNDREL!!!”



"AMEEERICAAA!!! F*CK YEAAAAAAH!!!" Rikkun started to sing.

Bullets chipped off the Eidolon’s flesh inch by inch until its trunk is heavily severed and pulverized.

The gunshots finally stopped after five whole minutes. The gigantic Eidolon was no longer there, as it already died and vanished without us knowing. The gunpowder smoke is the one to blame because it made it hard to see.

Our attacks only left a cute ball of light, a Quintessence.

Rikkun made an awesome cowboy gun-spin with his newly-acquired revolvers. He’s so awesome~

Eliseo finally commented.

“I gotta say… Now that I have seen your team with my own eyes… You guys are worse than I imagined.”

I feel his fear towards us shrine maidens. Why is it? We don’t eat people!


It’s about midnight.

Now that we have defeated the Eidolon that is responsible for making the residents crazy, Eliseo agreed to go with us and join the Aether Crusade. Finally, we can leave this creepy town. We immediately boarded on a bus that has Heightsburg City on its route. We were lucky to have this opportunity because the bus only comes here once a week.

We pretty much depleted our prana due to that bullet spamming on the poor Eidolon. We’re all exhausted. Asumi-nee and Ayano are already sleeping soundly, resting their heads to each other.

While me, I'm wide awake beside the man I rejected but secretly love.

I can finally have a private time with Rikkun.

“Hey, Tiara… Do you have a Scar-L Weapon Gem in stock?” Rikkun asked to wave off the awkward silence.

“...I think I have. Why? You want it?”

Rikkun just blushed as he scratched his head. I know he’s just embarrassed to unleash his inner nerd in front of me. But, I have to say, if there are some geeky topics we’re both interested about, it would be guns.

I have to take the initiative.

“I-I’ll give one to you once we reached the shrine.” I made a smile. “I’ll also give you my Cheytac Intervention rifle if you want…”

“Really!?” Rikkun jumped in joy as he held both of my hands. “Thanks! You’re the best! I’ll treat you to an eat-all-you-can bacon buffet in return!”

“Ahahaha…” I rubbed my blushing cheeks. “You don’t have to. I’m still on a diet…”

“Don’t say that! You still eat a lot even if you’re on a diet. I’ll feed you whenever and whatever you want.”

The man I loved for the seven million timelines gave a bright adorable smile.


My heart started to throb faster. Blood pulsated through my brain and my cheeks are now getting hot. Steam is about to burst from my ears. Seeing him happy like this makes my soul filled with joy.

“Don’t worry, Tiara. We now have two God Cores. That makes three if I convinced the Black Cross Legionmaster to lend her power. I will definitely get all twelve in order so that you can sing the <Song of Salvation> without drawbacks... I’m going to save you.”

“...Thank you…” I held my heart as tears ran down on my cheeks. “...You’re my real hero. You always saved me from distress.”

“Don’t mention it~”

Rikkun started to caress my hair. It’s so soothing and relaxing as if I can fall asleep at any moment. But I won’t sleep! Not right now! Not until I have finally conveyed my feelings to him!

“Rikkun…. The truth is… I-!!!”

“I love you, Ric-Ric~” Slim hands started to cling unto his other arm. We certainly forgot that Eliseo is just beside Rikkun, and we all thought that he’s already asleep!

“Get off me, you filthy idiot!” Rikkun pushed Eliseo’s face away, but his grip is much more powerful.

“I’ll call you Ric-Ric from now on~ I’ll be your substitute, Jeannette~”

“Yeah, you should’ve been the one who died in her stead!” Rikkun materialized his revolver and pointed it to Eliseo’s forehead.

“That’s just a joke! A joke!” Eliseo forced out a laugh as he released Rikkun’s arm.

“Ahahaha…” I made a sorry laugh at them.

Now we’re getting noisy in this bus. There are no other commuters at this hour so I think it’s okay to speak and yell out loud.

I have a slight urge to punch Eliseo’s nose for ruining my confession. J-Just a little bit.

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