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Let's skip to my most favorite hour of the day.


I'm busy chomping down the quarter-pounder aloha burger while Rikkun is beside me, talking to the blonde beautiful girl in front of us; who appeared to be our new English teacher and the substitute of Mr. Kent in History Class.

About our substitute teacher… We thought that Necchan had some plot armor and alive, but it was a false alarm. At first, we were so shocked to see Lord Freya, but it just happens that it was only Mrs. Martha Fontaine von Noctis; Jeannette/Necchan's mother. It's really hard for all of us to distinguish her from our deceased friend.

"I was already a teacher here in Dradecim National High before I had a comatose. I originally planned to have my daughter Jeannette enter this school..." Mrs. Noctis said.

"You can teach in Mirose Grande to have it all easier. Now you have to ride a bus every day." Rikkun said.

"Uh-uh." Mrs. Noctis waved her index finger to Rikkun. "I told you that I will facilitate your training! I still have to teach you how to use your God Core and your newly-acquired Weapon Gem. That is why my husband allowed me to work here again in this school."

Back during the holiday break, Mrs. Noctis became Rikkun's private tutor regarding on Gate Guardian matters. It's only natural for him to strive to become stronger since he's now the leader of the Aether Crusade. He may lack power and experience, but the whole group trusts his leadership skills. Still, he has a lot to learn.

And oh! Mrs. Noctis is the past Lord Freya. The Goddess Core of Freya must have recorded her appearance and used it as the default "image of beauty". When she went into a coma, Necchan inherited the Goddess Core as the successor. Considering that she is a retired goddess, no one can deny the fact that she's extremely smart and powerful.

"There's another thing." Mrs. Noctis made a smile that is about to release good news. "You said that you are on a quest on finding twelve God Cores. It just happens that my niece owns one."

"Really!?" Rikkun smiled with joy. "Who is it?"

I don't know why Rikkun is so happy about it. What's with the twelve God Cores anyway?

Mrs. Noctis showed a picture on her phone. It was a cute teenager with golden-blonde long hair and pink eyes. She's really beautiful in that black maid dress with lots of pink and white ribbons. If you look at the picture from a far distance, I'm sure you will mistake her as Jeannette again.

"He's Eliseo Fontaine. Don't let his cute looks fool you, he has the Goddess Core of Venus!"

"H-He!?" Rikkun and I exclaimed as we pushed our faces closer to our substitute teacher. "A boy, wielding a Goddess Core of feminine beauty?"

God and Goddess Cores are complete mystery and acts in mysterious ways. When the Goddess Core of Freya was passed to Rikkun, it converted itself into the God Core of Freyr. I've never heard of a Goddess Core being compatible with a 'man' without converting itself to new one.

Well, there was one case about Helena Efilion. Heushac's older sister used to possess the God Core of Zeus. So did Helena grew a dic- No, no, no... I think she stayed as a woman even after obtaining divinity.

Mrs. Noctis ignored our question and continued to discuss. "He's currently residing in the Brightmore Town. It's quite a long ride, but if you managed to recruit him in the Aether Crusade, everything will be worth it!"

"B-Brightmore Town!?" The two of us exclaimed again.

Rikkun and I looked at each other with the same surprised face and wide eyes.

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