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Quick Trivia before the fight; Helena Efilion’s Guardian Ability is <Birdeye>, which makes her able to see the environment in a bird’s eye view upon closing her eyes. It’s like watching yourself in a CCTV.

“Twenty four,” Helena muttered as soon as she finished using the said ability. “There’s twenty-four of them.”

“Resistance is futile.” Diadem’s voice echoed throughout the golden hall. It seems that all Cursed Guardians, including Void Wolf, are taking command from this freak. “Surrender yourself, or die. Choose.”

Is it obvious? Even if we’re surrounded by a bunch of red-eyed freaks who have thick eyeliners, my answer will always be the same. It is to defeat that Diadem and make him atone for his sins.

All of us deployed our weapons. We circled and compressed, facing outward to the enemies like the Avengers. All of us are examining the enemy movements. According to my <Presage>, Nobody’s gonna move soon. At least for now.

“Are you planning on converting us to Cursed Guardians?” Amy pointed her iron sights to Diadem. But Diadem didn’t react to the question at all.

“Brother!” Tiara cried. “W-Why are you doing this!?”

“My dear sister Tiara.” Diadem looked down on his twin with a pitiful glare. He slowly stepped down from the stairs and reached out his hands. “Come here. Join us. Our family will finally reunite after a long time.”

“Shut up!” I shouted. I pointed my katana at Diadem. “Tiara’s not a genocidal sociopath like you!”

“Rikkun…” Tiara smiled at me with a blush. She’s on the verge of crying, but she made the resolve to stare bravely at her twin. “... I’ll have you atone for your sins, brother!”

“So you choose to die with your friends then,” Diadem said as he closed his eyes with agony.

“Get ready!” I warned all of my friends as I foresaw an incoming assault.

As soon as Diadem raised his hand, the black cloaks went to their battle modes! These Cursed Guardians are armed with large weapons such as broadswords, lances, axes, hammers, and giant maces. There are even ranged support such as archers and gunners!

Before the melee fighters are able to reach us, their range fighters made their move first. There were several spell chants that I could not hear a single audible word, but flame arrows, lightning bolts, giant boulders, water bullets and wind tornado drills have been launched!

“<Tarrasque Guard>” Tiara shouted as she formed her fists to an X. Hologram turtle-shell filled with spikes formed and covered us like a small dome. Deafening blasts made the whole place tremble, but here inside the shell, we’re completely safe.

Tiara fell down on her knees. Using <Tarrasque Guard> drains a lot of pranas, so she won’t be able to fight for a while.

“...E-Everyone, I’m counting on you…” Tiara said.

As soon as the attacks got repelled, the energy dome disappeared. All of us caught the black cloaks with a surprise counter attack!

“<Trail Grenade>!!!” Amy dashed in a straight line, through the enemies in a freaking speed of light! She dropped several spherical explosives on her course and all the Cursed Guardians who are near was consumed by the barrage of explosions!

“<Blasted Forest>!!!” Helena stabbed her broadsword on the ground, and then lightning trees formed around in a wide area of effect! Humongous thunderbolts rushed towards the Cursed Guardians, which made this hall an explosion bazaar!

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