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Hiroshima. Nagasaki. B43. MOAB. Salted Nukes. Castle Bravo. Tsar Bomba. Kamehameha.

All those explosions are nothing compared to the one I'm getting right now. I was so mindblown that all my nerves in my pebble brain short-circuited, and now I'm lost in this endless feeling of romance.

"Tiara Hikari… I love you… Will you be my girlfriend?"

The man of my dreams said. For all those seven million timelines that I have repeated, this is the only life that I ever had a confession from the one I love.


I bowed to hide my red face. I was so lost in thought and endless questions echoed unto my consciousness.

Is this really the truth? Am I dreaming right now? What makes Rikkun say that to me? I thought he loved Necchan! But why is he confessing to me? I know it's my lifelong wish to be loved by him, but…

...I thought we would only stay as friends forever...

"W-What?" Rikkun hanged his jaws. "W-What do you mean f-f-friends forever…?"


I was narrating out loud! Quick, Tiara! Take it back!

"U-Um I-I…. Ahahaha… I…I mean… y-you… O-Of course!"

You're making it worse, me! I can't stop speaking nonsense! My brains won't work! I'm not ready for this! Maybe I'll just apologize for now!

"I-I-I-I'm sorry, Rikkun!" I made a powerful yet polite bow to the man in front of me. Never did I know that he's too close, and I made an accidental headbutt to his nose!


Rikkun held his damaged snout, but the bleeding won't stop! His white tux is stained with dark red liquid!

I'm getting everything worse! I'm such an idiot! The longer I stay here, the more I embarrass him! I should escape from this scene!


I shouted as I ran away as fast as a racing motorcycle. I went five blocks away, zigzagging my trail, hoping that no one can follow me.

I freaked out. No. I already freaked out the moment he proposed to me to become his girlfriend.

When I thought that I was already in a hidden area, I went in front of an electricity post and slammed my head over and over.


The electric post curled because of my continuous beating. I even had my forehead aching due to numerous merciless impact!

"I'm such an idiot! Idiot idiot idiot! I'm so stupiiiiiid!!!" I cried. "Tiara you idiot! You had one job!"

I want to die! I want to die! I want to die! I want to die! I want to die! That's what my brain and heart is telling!

"...Auuu..." I held my head that is now suffering from excruciating pain. I sat down on the cemented alley as I cried silently.

Geez, why has it come to this?

I decided to go home, to my original condo unit. I wanted to be alone and cry in the corner until I die. I can no longer show my face to Rikkun and live with him in Heushac's house…


As soon as I open the door to my home, I was surprised by sudden cheers.

"LONG LIVE THE LOVERS!!!" Asumi-nee jumped happily.

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