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So after the war at the dining table, Amy told us that we will be going to the place where our homunculus baby is conceived; Leng City. But we're not here for a field trip. We're going to investigate the nuclear test facility.

Right now, we're in front of a steel fence that has a lot of large yellow signs, saying "GOVERNMENT PROPERTY. KEEP OUT" and "TRESPASSERS WILL BE SHOT. SURVIVORS WILL BE SHOT AGAIN". There's even guards armed with M4 rifles on the gate, and Barrett .50 caliber snipers on the tall watch-house. Is this Area 51?

One of the guards halted us from freely walking in the entrance. He said "You guys should stay back." in an arrogant manner.

Amy should have been snapped. She went in front and furiously stared at the guard, who is at least one foot taller than her. "Maybe it's you who should stay out."

The guard should have seen Amy's glowing cross sigil from her eyes. He simply stood back and politely bowed. "I'm sorry about that. Come."

I skeptically glared at Amy, who is having this "I'm the queen!" smirk. When she noticed me, she quickly explained.

"High Guardians like me have the highest clearances to all government facilities. Not even the defense minister can outrank us."

What a proud little kitten she is.

When the gates opened, it revealed a wide sunny plain, and in the center of it, is an abandoned ten-story building that looks like it came from a zombie apocalypse. There's also a small warehouse and a ruined airfield that has a lot of cracks in the runway.

"Fifty thousand men used to live here. And now, it's a ghost town." Heushac dubbed with an Irish accent. When I heard that, we both smiled and gave a high-five to each other.

If you get the reference, you deserve a high-five too! Wham! Best game ever!

"Stop playing around, we're here to investigate." Amy annoyingly said.

Maybe she's still pissed on the fact that I kissed Tiara. I should explain it to her later.


We split up into groups. Tiara and Key will be investigating at the airfield, Kristoff and Heushac will be scanning the warehouse, and Amy and I will be searching the abandoned building. Amy decided the splitting up, by the way. That explains why the love teams have been shuffled.

The insides of the building have nothing. No furniture or even displays except for the paintings of some scientists which are slantingly hanged. There are broken glasses everywhere.

There's a floor plan right beside the stairs, and the places worthwhile to be examined is the library, which is located underground. So I'll be with Amy in that eerie dark place.

As Amy took her first step to the stairs leading to the abyss, she touched her heart and withdrew a ball of light from her chest. It was a Quintessence, and that floating ball of light stayed floating on her palms.

Amazingly, the Quintessence is a powerful source of light. We can navigate safely with these things! Cool!

"You have to use your head a little bit." Amy said. She's still mad.

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